A businessman with companies in tax havens, who appears on the international list prepared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, is not the founder of Ambulances Tenorio, since the data associated with this name by some information does not match his nationality, with his number. passports, or date of birth.

In a press release, Tenorio Grupo Empresarial announces that it will initiate as many lawsuits as it can fit after confirming the absolute falsity of the information offered by the news agency, which has never been verified or verified, in order to avoid the serious damage that its dissemination causes. called for both the founder of Ambulances Tenorio and the company itself.

The company’s lawyer, Francisco Arroyo, a partner at Lébeq Abogados, believes that the most important inalienable rights of a person, the company, its shareholders and leaders, such as the right to privacy and honor, have been violated. This is so, he points out, because in the processing of this information there were no minimum guarantees of verification when it comes to contrasting data that is elementary in order to be able to publish information that can cause so many image and reputation consequences. people and companies in such a sensitive sector as ambulances and medical transport.

In this sense, the lawyer of Tenorio Grupo Empresarial believes that there has been a serious unlawful, unjustified and interested interference with the right to honor, personal and family secrets and the image of the founder of Ambulances Tenorio and the shareholders of the company’s family with more than 30 years in the sector, which creates more than 1000 direct work places.

Francisco Arroyo believes that “the right to information is not a constitutional protection for those who convey as true facts either simple rumors without any verification, or simple fabrications or insinuations without verification of their reality through the appropriate requests of a diligent professional.” which is confirmed by the practice of the Supreme Court.

The lawyer warns that the data on which the information published in some media is based has not been updated since 2010. Despite the foregoing, since this information has already been refuted by the “Business Group” itself, some media outlets insisted on publishing the news without verifying the identity of the person appearing in the information published by the International Consortium of Investigators
A journalist whose data (date of birth, passport number or even
nationality) do not match at all with those of the founder of Tenorio Business Group, since they are not the same person, which is an obvious professional negligence that causes great damage to Tenorio Group and its founder in particular.