Taipei 101, Taiwan’s tallest skyscraper, received the speaker of the US House of Representatives for a visit that is a clear challenge to the Beijing government. “Speaker Pelosi Welcome to TW“YU”TV loves USA” could be seen in the building when the plane with Nancy Pelosi and the US Congressional delegation landed. China has threatened to crack down hard on what it sees as a violation of its sovereignty over Taiwan and the abandonment of the Joe Biden administration’s “one China” policy. However, Washington insists on maintaining the status quo.

Several Chinese People’s Army Air Force Su-35 fighters were deployed into the Taiwan Strait when the plane carrying Pelosi entered the island’s airspace. The plane of the Speaker of the House of Representatives was escorted by 13 Taiwanese fighter jets. Pelosi was received by Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and US Representative to Taiwan Sandra Oudkirk. This Wednesday, he will meet Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who is cautious about the visit.

China has announced that it will hold military exercises this week and next in the South China Sea and the Bohai Sea in northern China. The areas will be closed to maritime traffic. The exercise in the South China Sea will take place off the coast of the southern Chinese island of Hainan, located just over 1,000 km from Taiwan.

For the first time in 25 years, such a high-ranking official of the US administration travels to Taiwan, which China considers its territory. Beijing has warned that its army will not be left “arms crossed”. In 1977 Republican Newt Gingrich was in Taipei.

China’s Foreign Ministry released just as Pelosi posted a new message online: “China strongly opposes ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist movements and interference from outside forces.” Pelosi, already known in Beijing for her support of dissidents and pro-democracy activists, said she wanted to show her support for Taiwanese democracy. This stop was not included in the Asian tour agenda for security reasons.

The People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) moved several warships and combat aircraft to the so-called median line, the unofficial border between China and Taiwan in the Taiwan Strait. It would also deliver dozens of tanks and other armored vehicles to Xiamen, just five kilometers from Kinmen Island in Taiwan.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense has stepped up its combat readiness. In a statement, he said he has the “determination, ability and confidence” to guarantee Taiwan’s national security.

The United States has moved, according to Reuters, several warships, led by the USS Ronald Reagan, to the east of the island. He considers this a “normal” deployment. But none of what is happening seems “routine”.