A column of smoke that calls A forest fire declared in Venta del Moro, on the border of Valencia and Cuenca, is spreading almost 300 kilometers to the northeast. and he manages to pass through Illes Columbretes (Castellón), surpassing them by almost 100 kilometers.

This is stated by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), which in its social networks shows satellite images, where you can see how a plume of smoke rises to the sea through the Plan Baixa region.

In addition, he points out, through cities over which smoke flies, such as Segorbe (Castellón), ash from a fire falls.

Fifteen ground units and three forest fire brigades from the Generalitat Valenciana, eleven air vehicles, six fire engines, and three brigades and eleven forest brigades from the Valencia Fire Fighting Consortium.

focal point Emergencies Generalitat requested the cooperation of UME and the media of Castile-La Mancha help put out this forest fire.

In particular, the intervention of two seals, two amphibians, Kamov, two helicopters and an observation helicopter was requested.

The fire, which stabilized again after reproduction, It has not yet been brought under control because the westerly wind and the area where it occurred make it difficult to work on extinction..

Aemet emphasizes that the wind from the east, cooler and wetter than the dry and warm westerlies that blew during the day in the fire area, is moving inland as expected.

There is no official release date yet.