The judge in charge of the registration of the civil status of Orense, allowed the change of sex of the child eight yearsin the birth certificate of which she is listed as a woman, when assessing “mature enough” and his “stable transgender situation”.

Car signed by magistrate Dario Carpio Estevez Perezdated June 10, and to which Efe had access, is known on the same day that the Council of Ministers approves the bill on transgenderness, allowing the change of sex in the register without medical or psychological opinion from the age of 12 under certain conditions and from the age of 16 on its own .

Judge Orders Correction of Minor’s Birth Certificate and Change of Sex Indication should be “male”, not “female” as he figured.

This judgment is in response to a 2021 request in which the parents of a child named Antonio requested changes to the vital records.

The judge had the opportunity to meet with the juvenile in March last year and checked the “sufficient maturity” and his “stable situation of transsexuality”.

Throughout the order, the judge talks about the situation in which Antonio found himself, and emphasizes that he always thought and felt like a man, therefore he allowed the change of sex in the registry office.