Two men died this morning after falling off a bridge on the AP-7 motorway in Sant Julia de Ramis (Girona) while fleeing Mossos. The agents pursued them after catching them by surprise in the rest area of ​​the aforementioned road while watching the trucks they supposedly wanted to steal in.

The event began at 02:56 in the service area of ​​AP-7 Girona Sud, Mossos EFE reported, when an on-duty patrol discovered a van driving over it at low speed.

The agents then checked with the computer systems they had in their patrol car that the van driven by the two men had been stolen, so they suspected that the two thieves were trying to steal goods from the trucks parked in the area. service.

When the passengers of the van noticed Mosso’s presence, they fled along the same motorway in a northerly direction and stopped at kilometer 52.5, where the road crosses a forested area, in the municipality of Sant Julià de Ramis.

At that moment, two passengers got out of the car on the left side and, according to Mosso’s first investigation, they did not realize, due to the darkness of the night, that they were on a high-rise bridge.

Two alleged thieves fell from a height of about 30 meters and died as a result of the fall. They have not been identified and their bodies are at the Girona Forensic Institute awaiting autopsy.

The Mosso continue to investigate the case, which they link to the theft of trucks from vans on the highway.