Cadets General Military Academy of Zaragoza They went to Kandancha to complete their training plan. Princess Leonor arrived that Sunday with 160 more cadets. and remain on the basis of the Military Mountain Rifle School and the Special Operations School. IN slopes of Astuna They conducted exercises in which the heiress was photographed.

Princess Leonor during training in Candanchu with the rest of the AGM cadets.
Princess Leonor during training in Candanchu with the rest of the AGM cadets. ROYAL HOUSE OF His Majesty the King

In the images, Princess Leonor appears with skis and winter army clothing, where, of course, no need for a well-fitting hat right down to the eyes. On Monday, Kandanchu had a maximum temperature of 9 degrees and a minimum of 1, so despite the usual cold in these areas the weather was very good.

Leonor and her companions are one more, and the proof of this is that difficult to distinguish with a ski helmet or hat against the cold. As was clearly visible in the photographs published by the magazine Hello!, the heiress has integrated very well with his classmates and has good friends.

Leonor already knew Astun

Astun is a winter center with 20 kilometers of slopes, opened in 1976. The season officially started just a few days ago and the snow quality was perfect for skiing. Unlike some of her peers who may not understand the sport, Princess Leonor has already skied in the past.

In particular, the princess has already skied at the Astun resort itself. In February 2017, the heiress went to this ski resort with her Santa Maria de los Rosales school to White week. He was there with his younger sister Sophia, and his parents visited him.

It is expected that in addition to the exercises, the cadets will have several free days to explore the surrounding area. They will then return to Zaragoza where they will finish the school week before returning home for Christmas.

All photos of Leonor in the Pyrenees

At dawn, the cadets of the Main Military Academy, among whom was Leonor, prepared to begin classes.

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ROYAL HOUSE OF His Majesty the King

At dawn, the cadets of the Main Military Academy, among whom was Leonor, prepared to begin classes.

The cadets descended the slopes that Princess Leonor already knew.  He attended White Week in 2017 with his school.

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ROYAL HOUSE OF His Majesty the King

The cadets descended the slopes that Princess Leonor already knew. He attended White Week in 2017 with his school.

Princess Leonor during training in Candanchu with the rest of the AGM cadets.

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ROYAL HOUSE OF His Majesty the King

Princess Leonor is so integrated that it is difficult to distinguish her from her peers.

Princess Leonor is second from the right in this photo, looking down at the descent with her companions.

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ROYAL HOUSE OF His Majesty the King

Princess Leonor is second from the right in this photo, looking down at the descent with her companions.