If the life of a rock ‘n’ roll musician is a long-distance race, then life Ruben Pozo (Barcelona, ​​1975) became a real marathon. He began to dream about this life in Good night, Rose more than 30 years ago; picked up speed along with the sprint of fame and success that was Laziness; and then taught himself to jog so he could enjoy the ride better and more calmly. A journey that began over ten years ago, and this format has been around the longest.

It’s true that in Perez Ruben Pozo was not one of the greats hits nor the songs that were played on the radio, but its essence is more than recognizable at any of its artistic stages. Well, rather rock proletarian who looks for songs in full ashtraysa musician who searches for the charm hidden behind imperfection.

At 48, his face begins to show wrinkles and weariness from the long journey in this profession, in which it is so difficult to grow old. But there is no melancholy or sadness in his gesture, but rather calm and satisfaction. “I’m happy with myself, very happy with this album,” he explains in an interview with the publication Independent referring to his latest work, a 45 Revolutions-themed double single featuring the songs The day has come And Catalog. The whim of a music lover, with the help of which he realizes the dream of having his music in all possible formats.

Single from
Single from Ruben Pozo’s song “The Day Has Come”. ISRAEL KANOVAS

Pozo defines this moment as one of basic moments your career, especially with The day has comeof which he dares to say that it is”his masterpiece“I reached my Everest with this song, maybe now I’ll have to go to Mars to find higher mountains,” he jokes.

On the other side of the coin CatalogPerez’s ex goes through his entire career, randomly listing titles from his discography. “I listen to it and see my life pass before me.. It’s also a little gift, a wink to the people who follow me very closely, and as I always say, if you recognize more than 30 songs, you can consider yourself a Rubenist.”

I don’t like to fight nostalgia, I’m okay with that

Despite taking stock of his entire career, the man from Alameda de Osuna doesn’t consider himself a nostalgic guy. “I’m not one of those who say: I don’t like nostalgia. When it arrives, I can enjoy it without being overly nostalgic. We are human, sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are sad. but overall we’re going stole and we don’t remember the past. Although there is a thing about music that sometimes it hits you and you remember what you experienced decades ago, it’s a very noble feeling and I think it’s good, but “I don’t like to fight nostalgia, I’m okay with that.”

What Ruben Pozo really struggles with is songs, a love-hate relationship in which he is able to bring out the best and the worst in himself. Therefore, if there is one thing you can demand from life, it is that they keep coming. He admits that it is very difficult for him when they go out, and that it even causes him to be sullen with those around him. “And suddenly one day I’m writing a song again and the sun comes out again and I feel better again. I tell myself, “You still got it, man, you still got the magic, and from there I go to another time in which I don’t get another one and I think I’m crap again, a cheater and that I won’t get any more. “I’m a disaster,” he admits, laughing. And if there’s one thing that Ruben Pozo’s songs have, it’s the honesty of a guy who knows how to laugh at his own misfortunes. A worldliness in which it is easy to see my reflection and I also breathe with relief.

Ruben Pozo smokes a cigarette on the street.
Ruben Pozo smokes a cigarette on the street. ISRAEL KANOVAS

It is this obsession with songs that causes his head to always form the half necessary to maintain his own functionality as a human being. A creation process that never ends, thanks to which you can “feel important in this world”.

Another thing he has realized over time is how much fun he has and brings it to his live shows. “That’s what I’ve discovered over the years: I perform well, and why not say so, I think I’m a good entertainer. And I really enjoy it, to the point that if I don’t have regular gigs I start to feel a little bad. I need my share of applause and getting on stage to play. So when you ask him where he sees himself in the future, he can only imagine himself on stage.”I hope to continue playing until I die.”.

Ruben Pozo during an interview with El Independente.
Ruben Pozo during an interview with El Independente. ISRAEL KANOVAS

He wants to put the argument behind him two concerts he had to cancel last May. Without wanting to go into detail, he admits that he doesn’t like that they keep reminding him about it. “This hasn’t happened to me again, and I hope it doesn’t happen to me, but next time, like everyone else, I say it’s because of scheduling problems or that I got sick and got myself out of trouble . I’ve been giving concerts for 30 years and the dog I killed, they call me a dog killer. “I should have gone because the concerts would have been good and now it wouldn’t be a dog killer.”

I’m already a little tired of wallowing in what I didn’t know how to do or what didn’t work out at all.

This anecdotal event will not tarnish the state of grace in which he admits to being at the moment. A stage in his career where the good things began to shine brighter than the bad. “I’m already a little tired of wallowing in what I don’t know how to do or what doesn’t work out very well. That’s why I’m also starting to understand how to appreciate the good things I have.”With the same naturalness with which he takes off his armor in his songs, Ruben Pozo does not hide his mistakes and that is why he can allow himself to be proud of his successes.

When asked how he sees the current musical landscape, he has no problem admitting that He doesn’t listen to as much music as he did when he was 17. years when he constantly absorbed everything that came out. “I know it shouldn’t be this way, but I can’t help it, I’m starting to be like those who say they enjoy playing football more than watching it. I also enjoy playing music more than listening to it. this is explained by I’m already a little upset and I’m under 17 years old. “I guess that’s it, but I still love it, music is still my life.”

However, he agrees that a renaissance in guitar music is possible without it, something he happily notes with the emergence of bands like Carolina Durante. “I understand these bands well because I’m from there too, four friends who get together, each of them doesn’t play their instrument very well, but when they get together, something happens. I have heard in recent years, groups that have different names, but even in name they are almost the same. Whoever wants to understand me will understand me. These people, The Carolinas seem like a breath of fresh air to me. And if I had to name bands that I like now, I would say Caroline, and I don’t know who writes the songs there, but I like them and they get to me. “It felt like something different to me, and I was grateful for that.”

Ruben Pozo during an interview with El Independente.
Ruben Pozo during an interview with El Independente. ISRAEL KANOVAS

Peresa’s ex-wife also uses this response to claim: “music that people play”where there are glitches and imperfections, without technological fixes. “I like human imperfection, Even Led Zeppelin has flaws, and they’re great.. I’m not interested in music arranged using technological methods, I prefer someone out of tune but singing from the heart. I recognize Freddie Mercury as a wonderful singer, but I am not one of the great singers or great musicians, I belong to the Carolina Durantes, people who have something to say and who say it, as they say do it yourself punk. People who weren’t there Beingdid not have Forks and it wasn’t Pink Floydbut the point is not to be a great musician, but to have something to say.”

Leyva called me and said, “I’m going to offer you something a little strange that might not suit you…”

Finally, the interview does not end without reminiscing about the event that all Perez fans are looking forward to, although Pozo is responsible for diminishing the euphoria. “You screwed up three dates at Wizink,” I point out, to which he bluntly replies that “The one who blew everything up was Leyva with his end of the tour.“He called me and said, ‘I’m going to offer you something a little strange that might not suit you. People ask me who I would like to have as a guest artist and I thought of you, think about it and tell me.” I replied that he didn’t even need to think about it: “Nevertheless, let’s go.” stole“My friend, I will be very pleased to be there to open your shows and celebrate with you the successful completion of the tour,” he concludes, without going into details.

What he dares to talk to me about with great enthusiasm is the concert he will propose. January 25 in Sala Sol covered by cartel programs Inverfest. The concert that warns will be a little different due to the electro-acoustic format they have in mind.

And although the public is excited about the reunion of the Perez family more than ten years after their separation, Ruben Pozo is already used to the fact that lonely rocker who looks to the future from the point of view of a career in which he now depends only on himself.

Ruben Pozo on the streets of Madrid.