In one of the best years for your image Mrs Letitia saw them resurrected this week Ghosts of the past with the release of the book Letizia and me, veteran journalist Jaime Peñafiel. However, the main role did not go to Felipe VI’s wife or the author himself, known for his constant criticism of the Queen Consort. It was Jaime del Burgo who, after publishing a series of scandalous tweets, became the most wanted man, and his story raised the most doubts.

Letizia and I, Peñafiel's latest book.
Letizia and I, Peñafiel’s latest book.

In the book, Peñafiel, the permanent chronicler of the royal family and extremely critical with the role of an Asturian princess and then a queen, makes Deep Scan his figures. He goes through the columns he publishes about Letitia and looks at information published in the past.

But the real novelty of the book is the testimony of Jaime del Burgo. A man whom Peñafiel describes as Doña Letizia’s confidant, close friend and former lover. which they both paint in the worst light.

A few days ago, Del Burgo wanted to point out a number of aspects collected by Peñafiel in his book. Along the way, he added several messages that spread like wildfire on the social network X (formerly known as Twitter).

Who is Jaime del Burgo?

Jaime del Burgo was the husband of Thelma Ortiz, the queen’s sister, for just under two years. Previously was a witness at a wedding journalist became royal. For many, he is a completely unknown actor in the film life of Doña Letizia.

Jaime del Burgo's social media profile photo
Jaime del Burgo’s profile photo on social network X. @JaimeDelBurgo

However, Jaime Peñafiel gave him the opportunity to tell his story. Thanks to a series of fragments, extracted from telephone or email conversations At the same time, journalist Jaime del Burgo claims that he had a romantic relationship with Letizia. It details details from the supposed timeline of their romance to their conversations. He even compares his situation to that of King Juan Carlos and Princess Diana in Mallorca. makes accusations reminiscent of Corinne Larsen’s about alleged searches carried out at his home by CNI officers.

Book Letizia and me was published at the end of November, but only last weekend The case has reached a national scale. Jaime del Burgo, or someone who identified himself as such from a verified account, published a series posts offer a version of events that he argued was not entirely clear in the version offered by Jaime Peñafiel.

Publications by Jaime del Burgo

Over the weekend, Jaime del Burgo’s tweets began to circulate on social media, despite the fact that they were published on November 23. “I have no direct or indirect financial interest in the book.”, He said. “The four stages that Jaime Peñafiel talks about,” he commented, “are love relationships from 2002 to 2004,” “friends and confidants from 2004 to 2010,” “love relationships, long-term and ongoing, 2010 and 2011.” years” and “like brothers.” -mother-in-law from 2012 to 2016.” He then describes the third stage in detail, contradicting the history that the author portrays in his book, and does so in a somewhat confusing manner.

On the first day of December, the same day that “Kings” was in the theater on a private plan, Jaime del Burgo tweeted again. He then shared with Letizia the story of how he was allegedly planning to divorce King Felipe. On Sunday there is a publication about a bomb explosion. Photo of the current queen the photo was taken in the mirror on a Nokia cell phone from the 2000s and was accompanied by a supposed message Letizia was supposed to send to Del Burgo.

A few hours later, Jaime del Burgo deleted all posts from his profile. He just retweeted a profile that defends him as a “patriot” and accuses “Sanchez, ETA, the conspirators and Letizia” maneuver “to send King Juan Carlos into exile.” The publication refers to the same thing that he himself explains in Peñafiel’s book: he grew up in Navarre under the threat of ETA within family with a Carlist background. His father was one of the founders of the Foral Social Democratic Party of Navarre and became President of the Provincial Council, although he was dismissed when involved in the FASA affair.

Public reaction

Spain has changed a lot over the past twenty years. A transformation that Jaime Peñafiel himself reflects in Letizia and me. This was also evident in the prevailing reaction to Del Burgo’s alleged revelations. Many social media users do not hesitate to consider their posts to be illegal behavior and manifestation of sexist violence.

Publishing an image of another person without their consent is a crime. When this photo is sent in an intimate context, the situation also takes on the connotations of sexist violence.

The publications of Jaime del Burgo led to the agreement of people of all ideologies. Even those who hold republican views sided with Letitia.

As for the motives of the scandalous character, they are unknown. Before deleting his posts on X, he assured that starting in September 2024, he would publish a personal “anecdote” on his site. Meanwhile, Jaime Peñafiel, contacted by this newspaper, decided not to comment on the reports published by his source Del Burgo.