Writer Arturo Perez-Reverte (Cartagena, 1951) already had a premonition of events even before his appointment Pablo Motos V Anthill: “Tonight I will have to return to El Hormigero, I suppose, to talk about books and (I’m afraid, judging by the way the landscape is developing) not only about books,” he wrote on his X account on the old Twitter.

In his almost obligatory stop on the program, Perez-Reverte spoke, among many other topics, about Pedro Sanchezwhich he even compared to a character possibly from one of his books.

First of all, he made something clear: “I’m against amnesty”. “I think it’s wrong. The point is that I understand Pedro Sanchez. I think he is a fascinating writer. He is a political adventurerhe’s a fighter, he’s a killer, He’s a guy who doesn’t notice anything”.

He knows that the Spaniards forget, so he plays with all of us in an extraordinarily amazing way.

And he emphasized: “He had never read a single book in his life.. Am I sure of this, or have you read very little. But he has an extraordinary political sense, he is also brave, he is stubborn, he is courageous. Without a doubt he is the most interesting politician in Spain and perhaps in Europe. Moreover, there is a very interesting thing about him: he knows that he has been pardoned, he knows that the Spaniard forgets, so he plays with all of us in an extremely amazing way.”

“He will fall when he has nothing to sell. He will fall alone. But invincible. I’m fascinated by him. And although this does not seem like a criticism, because he did very good things on social issues, it turns out that he is an absolutely immoral character.”

And Pablo Motos asks: “Where would you put this in the novel?” “Machiavellian evil” suggests Perez-Reverte. “He’s very good at what he does. I was just fascinated by it. Balance, arrogance, cynicism – that’s what There’s no guy like him, for better or for worse. I’m a fan”.

He also took the opportunity to talk about Puigdemont and what is your role in all of this. The writer has no doubt: “Everything is comparative. Sanchez – character. They all work for him. If I were a good person, I would be milk.”

But he also wanted to make it clear that “I’m a Republican. I am a Republican by training and education. But I’m Spanish and that’s the determining factor.”

Also He flattered Felipe VI, Considering him a good man, a patriot, “loves Spain,” he even expressed his opinion about his offspring, saying that he is more like his mother, “This is more than Greece,” than his father. “It’s serene here. No one who hasn’t talked to him for less than five minutes thinks differently,” the writer expressed.

But Motos wanted to help him resolve the political issue. And he succeeded, at least for a while. “There is another feature of the political class. I have never seen anywhere else that a news program devoted so much time to political issues. I remember the Franco regime, KNOT,” he commented. “That’s what happens. They think they are kings. But we, journalists, voters, are to blame. We have what we want.”

There was also room here for Spanish PSOE voters. “The crime is that they don’t say, ‘We’re going to reach minimum agreements.’ They prefer to go to extremes.” “What happens is, of course, less education, more ease of manipulation. The less cultured we are, the easier it is for us to go to extremes. But hey, it’s our fault because then Sunday comes and we go out for a beer and forget about everything.”