There’s a new one coming to Prime Video this Wednesday, November 29th. documentary series Pombo, which is presented as an opportunity to experience “a never-before-seen side of the world.” Pomboone of the most influential families of content creators in Spain” over four 45-minute episodes.

As recorded a few months ago, it shows Mary pregnant with her second child; while Marta needs everything to go well for her now that she has finally found the man of her life, and Lucia has to deal with the pressure she feels towards put aside your strong desire to become a mother.

Created by Komodo Studio in collaboration with Mediaset España and distributed by Mediterráneo Mediaset España Group, the first chapter of the documentary series leaves aside social networks and focuses on the most familiar part of Maria Pomboincluding several videos from when the sisters were young.

The reason for this was the Easter holidays. influential person He insists on how happy spending time with his family makes him, which 90% of what he has today is the merit of his people. or that he wants to continue the traditions and rituals of his parents.

“The love I have for my daughters is so great that it must be divine. We have a simple but happy life,” comments the head of the family, Victor Pombo, at the beginning. In this episode, which functions as a presentation, humor Alvaro Lopez Huertahusband of the eldest sister, pilot Lucia, who seems to be the most different from the clan.

“They called me at home Lucifer, Ajopocho, Polusia…” comments on the sequence. In this regard, you can also see how in the old video very little Maria says that her sister is “unfriendly”, or how the father himself says that his face b It is very difficult.

And this is precisely one of the main characters, at least in the first chapter, who makes it clear that it is he who organizes the family (including the sons-in-law) or angers them. In this line, Marta Pombo jokes and says that she is calling him Vitorristhe result of mixing Chuck Norris and Victor.

This is how Victor Pombo and Teresa Ribot met.

This is one of the discoveries of the program, but for followers influential person Papin It’s an old acquaintance who went viral, among other things, thanks to a video of Martha talking about her father’s refusal of brightly colored nails, which eventually became a Neonails advertising campaign.

Vituko, who doesn’t hesitate to organize a family cleanup or advocate that “everyone should have a mission,” He started working in the advertising worldlike his wife, Teresa Ribot; and currently runs his own restaurant.

In one of the chapter’s most tender moments, Thérèse Ribot and Victor recount how they met in a story that seems straight out of a prototypical romantic comedy: the couple met at university, and Victor had his eye on Thérèse, but she was rejected for being “class representative” and “chic”.

However, everything changed when they saw each other at the wedding. Already at the banquet, the guests had to extend their hands to the waiters when he wrote a very direct statement to her on a napkin: “You will marry me and you will be the happiest woman in the world.”

“I have to admit that I can no longer be the person I used to be.”

“I straightened all my feathers, we dated for five years and then got married,” said the businessman. But not everything in their lives is so rosy due to Teresa’s illness. multiple sclerosiswhich causes her to be absent, for example, from planning boats because she is “very dizzy”, as Martha explains in one episode.

“The diagnosis brought us very close. I have to admit that I can no longer be the person I used to be.but you need to try to enjoy it,” Teresa herself says. For her part, Maria Pombo, who also has the disease, remembered the diagnosis after several days of suffering from tingling sensations as one of the most difficult in her life, although she accepted the disease. an opportunity to highlight the “ultimate all-rounder” that her mother continues to be and how she always helped her “shine.”

In a much more comical piece, Papin warned that he didn’t want “more repetition” regarding Martha, who married Luis Zamalloa for the second time.after a fleeting marriage to Luis Jimenez.

“I can also repeat, Pablo is still on trial, we fight 15 times a daybut we tend to forget this moment,” Maria Pombo joked about her husband Pablo Castellanos, who wonders several times whether the “sacrifice” of devoting himself to construction is worth it.