Ines Arrimadas (42 years old) and Xavier Sima (45) separate. Former Ciudadanos politician ended his marriage forever after several months of crisis, when they moved to Jerez to try to save their relationship. Six years after their wedding and two children together, Alex and Mark, 3 and 1 years old respectively, are leading separate lives.

Information about their separation was published back in July, but she herself Ines Arrimadas denied this.. With a photo in which she appeared with her husband and son on the beach in Jerez, she sowed doubt among her followers.

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General post by Ines Arrimadas (@inesarrimadas)

This time it seems that the gap is strongaccording to the publication Vanitatis, although the former couple continues to maintain a very good relationship. “They make plans together, they both go to the park with the children. like good friendsIn his own style, without harshness or bad mood,” sources close to the couple assure the above-mentioned media.

The beginning of your story

The love story of Ines Arrimadas and Xavier Sima shows that love does not understand ideologies. They met in the Catalan Parliament in 2015. He was a deputy for the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia. independence partyand she is the leader of the Ciudadanos party in Catalonia. Two opposite formations, which, however, witnessed the emergence of relations between them.

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General post by Ines Arrimadas (@inesarrimadas)

Ideological differences did not prevent them from moving forward in their relationship. In 2016 they got married in Jerez de la Frontera., where Ines Arrimadas was born. Cima left politics and devoted himself to a consulting business, which soon brought him to Madrid.

Her first child was born at the height of the pandemic, after many difficulties conceiving. “In the midst of fear and uncertainty (…) For the first time I became the mother of a very desired child.”,” Arrimadas told his followers in May this year when the little boy celebrated his third birthday. “He will always be my baby, even if he turns 40. I only ask for life that he grows up healthy, with his brother, for many decades to come,” he added along with the photo.

Ines Arrimadas upon arrival at the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies. E.P.

The future of Ines Arrimadas

Ines Arrimadas announced she was leaving politics in June last year, although she did not leave the protocol until a new government was formed. “I am starting a new stage outside of politics, after “to dedicate the best years of my life to him””, he told his followers. Since then, the lawyer has focused on his family, rebuilding his marriage and spending time with his children.

For now, Ines Arrimadas did not start working in another sector. He certainly has a lot of opportunities with a resume like that, but for now he’s enjoying his. Time will tell what his next step will be.