Producer, executive director and presenter Daniel Domenho joined forces with French audiovisual group Satisfaction groupto launch a new production company Satisfaction Iberiawhich will develop, adapt and produce content for the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American marketsand reach production agreements internationally.

Iberia satisfaction will benefit from creative and international potential of France’s leading independent television groupwhich breaks into the audiovisual panorama of Spain, Portugal and Latin America after an agreement between Domenjo and the founder of Satisfaction Group, producer and French TV presenter Arthur Essebag.

The new company will work with all genres, although initially I’ll focus on having funand will have Domenjo as CEOafter he announced a few weeks ago his refuses to continue to lead Mediacrest, the production company he has headed for the past five years. Thanks to this, he developed fifteen seasons of the series El Cazador (TVE), the primetime series The Floor (Antena3) and entered into co-production agreements with global players such as ITV, Talpa, ViX or NHK.

Daniel Domenjo highlighted the potential of the agreement and highlighted the “vision and experience” of all the production companies of the Satisfaction Group, which has agreements signed with British giant Fulwell 73, Talpa Studios or Yes Yes Media, among others. “By launching Satisfaction Iberia, we are giving further step in international consolidation from an innovative and inspiring group, and, in addition, it allows me to learn from such a wonderful specialist as Arthur,” Domenho emphasized.

In this regard, Arthur Essebag noted that through this association agreement, the group continues to “strategically expand” its international presence to bring new programs to the screen. “Spain, Portugal and France have a lot in common in audiovisual content; The combination of our knowledge will offer the market a new flexible and innovative player,” emphasized Essebag, who recognized “A long career as a successful producer and top manager» Domenjo.