What was Guinness’s oldest dog in the world died this weekend at his home in Portugal. 31 year and 165 days.

The Guinness Book of World Records confirmed Bobi’s death this Monday. Great Dane from Alentejo, born on May 11, 1992 in the Portuguese town of Conqueiros (municipality of Leiria, center of the country), in a publication on his website.

“He died on October 21 at his home in the Portuguese city Conqueiroswhere he lived his entire life with the Costa family,” the organization certifying the record wrote, citing in turn a statement by American veterinarian Karen Becker, who cared for Bobi in the past.

“This sweet boy has found his wings,” Becker wrote on his Facebook profile last night, where he assured that “although surpassed all dogs in historyhis 11,478 days on earth will never be enough for those who loved him.”

Another organization that said goodbye to Bobi was Le Terrier Studio, a Portuguese photography center for which the mastiff was a model.

“Rest in peace, friend! Thank you for having the honor of knowing you, the oldest dog in the world. What an incredible life you have had,” they wrote on Instagram.

Bobi was recognized on February 2 by the Guinness World Record as the oldest dog in the world. to date, this title has brought him worldwide fame and has prompted hundreds of people to visit him in recent months.

Their breed, usually used to protect livestock from predators and known in Portugal as the “Rafeiro do Alentejo”, has life expectancy is about 13 yearsAccording to the organization.

They were able to confirm his age as he had been registered since 1992 with the veterinary service of the municipality of Leiria and with the Portuguese national control system SIAC.

Before Boby, the record for the oldest living dog was held by Spike, a 23-year-old Chihuahua, and the record for the oldest living dog today belonged to Bluey (1910-1939), an Australian shepherd who lived to be 29 years old. old and 5 months