french manager Philip Garrel was accuse several actresses –Anna Muglalis, Marie Viallet, Laurence Cordier and Clotilde Esme– from insults, touching and sexual suggestions when they held working meetings, according to the French portal Mediapart.

Director Hot Summer And wild innocence And father of actor Louis Garrel, would come to offer a role in one of his films in exchange for sex, according to the aforementioned media outlet. Although the actresses did not condemn these facts, they assured that Garrel kissed them without consenthe invited them to spend the night in hotels and touched their legs during work meetings.

Mediapart research includes accusations of four actresses with names and surnamesas well as testimonials from people who wish to remain anonymous.

For his part, the award-winning 75-year-old director refuted most of the facts and he assures that the actresses misinterpreted his gestures, and furthermore he speaks of “realization” in the face of testimony because of the “difference” between what he imagined at the time and what the actresses accuse him of. experienced such things. facts.