If only a week ago it had seen the light of day on Sky Showtime Juan Carlos: The Fall of a King, a documentary, part of which is released every Monday; On Tuesday, HBO Max announced that it would premiere on June 23rd. documentary series O Sofia from Greece.

When Juan Carlos: The Fall of a Kingthe production embarks on an international journey through London, Monaco, Geneva, Abu Dhabi and New York to discover How did Juan Carlos get rich?. It also raises questions about his financial affairs, his lucrative connections, and his alleged involvement in global corruption cases.

All this is in contrast to the time when he was considered almost a hero reform Spain and transform it into a modern European state with its democratic values… until it moves to Abu Dhabi in 2020.

documentary series on Sophia, on the other hand, will delve into the historical role and public perception of the character always obey someone else: “The king’s daughter, the sister of the heir who will never ascend the throne, the wife of the king, the mother of the king and the grandmother of the future queen. These were his official documents, those that explain his figure in the face of History,” the platform explains in a statement.

However, the new HBO Max production promises to tell the full story for the first time, diving into eight decades of history through a pivotal character when it comes to getting to the point. evolution of monarchies modern Europeans.

From a betrothal blessed by all royal houses to a detailed publication about the incessant betrayal of her husbandits economic and financial scandals and its underlying debates about the succession of the monarchy.

In the whirlwind of these debates and in the context noted political polarizationSophia’s education as a queen from the cradle could be crucial in preparing her granddaughter Leonor for her ascension to the crown.

The future of the monarchy in Spain also depends on the honorary queen, a character that still spawns many questions about his personality, about his influence on the fundamental episodes for his family and for the history of Spain, about his way of acting and thinking.

Who will share their testimonies Sofia and real life?

  • Rocío Ayuso, journalist from El País, expert on Casa Real.
  • Mabel Galaz, journalist from El País, expert on Casa Real.
  • Mariangel Alcazar, expert journalist at Casa Real
  • Almudena Martinez-Fornes, expert journalist at Casa Real
  • Marius Carol, expert journalist at Casa Real
  • Pilar Air, journalist; author Sofia, life and from I am a king
  • Pilar Urbano, journalist; author queen up close
  • Pilar de Aristegui, artist; author Sofia Queen
  • Carmen Henriquez, TVE journalist; author Felipe VI, renewed monarchy and from Sofia is our queen
  • Carmen Remirez de Ganús, journalist; author Leonor: the stipulated future of the monarchy
  • Jaime Peñafiel, journalist; author Sofia is 80 years old. wife, mother and grandmother
  • Eva Sannum, model, businesswoman and ex-girlfriend of Prince Philip
  • Isabelle Sartorius, political scientist and Prince Felipe’s first girlfriend; author For you I would do it a thousand times
  • Barbara Rey, actress
  • José Antonio Sarzalejos, journalist; author Felipe VI, a king in trouble
  • Jordi Gutiérrez, director of public relations for the Royal House
  • Rafael Spottorno, last head of the royal house of Juan Carlos I.
  • Javier Ayuso, former director of public relations for the Royal House
  • Carmen Iglesias, academic tutor to Prince Felipe and Infanta Cristina
  • Carmen Rigalt, journalist
  • Michael Begasse, German journalist-expert on real houses for the TV channel RTL
  • Fermin H. Urbiola, journalist; author The smile that conquered Spain and from word of the king
  • Veronica Fumanal, political communications expert
  • Anthony Gutierrez Ruby, political communications expert
  • Ana Palenzuela, communications and protocol expert
  • Javier Sercas, writer
  • Arturo Pérez-Reverte, journalist, writer and member of the Royal Academy of Languages
  • Angel Vinas, historian
  • Jordi Canal, historian; author Monarchy in the 21st century
  • Isabelle Bourdiel, professor of history; expert on the reign of Elizabeth II
  • Juan Pablo Fusi, historian; author Spain, from dictatorship to democracy and from Minimal History of Spain
  • Paul Preston, historian
  • Cesar Cervera, historian; author Bourbons and their madness
  • Hermann Matthijs is a professor of public administration at the University of Brussels, who studies the models of monarchical and republican state in Europe and the author of an article on the cost of various European monarchies.
  • Kostas Stamatopoulos, historian specializing in the Greek crown; author Diaries of Queen Frederica 1938-1967.
  • Francisco Javier Laporta, Professor of Philosophy of Law (Autonomous University of Madrid)
  • Mikel Roca, lawyer
  • Magda Oranić, lawyer
  • Peter Morgan, screenwriter; series creator Crown
  • Luis Llongeras, hairdresser
  • Fausto Sacristan, hairdresser
  • Marguerite Nuez, dressmaker
  • Felipe Gonzalez, former Prime Minister
  • José Maria Aznar, former Prime Minister
  • José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, former Prime Minister
  • Mariano Rajoy, former Prime Minister
  • Carmen Calvo, former First Vice President of the Government
  • Pablo Casado, former general secretary of the PP
  • Pablo Iglesias, former vice president of government and former general secretary of Podemos