Joy, music and color. They are intense and tasty ingredients in the perfect cocktail of fun: Chirigotas de Cádiz, the key event of the carnival. Who didn’t have a good time with them? So it’s worth asking when chirigotas COAC 2023.

Chirigotas are musical performances of a choral and carnival character. They are sung both on the streets and on stage, and the lyrics are humorous and critical verses that are updated every year and in many cases are related to current events in the middle of White Week.

The grand finale of the chirigotas from Cadiz 2023 will take place on February 17th. They began on Saturday, January 21, 2023, the day on which the first preliminary meeting took place. There were 15 such rounds.

between days February 6 and 11, 2023 the quarter-finals followed each other with six features. There are currently 53 pools left. For semi-finals between February 13 and 15, 2023there were 28 clusters.

Grand Final COAC 2023 chirigotas

This February 17, 2023 is a big day in Cadiz.: end KOAC 2023, An official group competition celebrated at the Gran Teatro Falla. The size of the event will start at 20:30. At the moment, out of the original 131, only 13 groups remain. There are four choirs, four comparsas, four chirigotas and a quartet.

Performances to be Grand Theater Fallaare dedicated this year to the memory of the writer Enrique Villegas. This year coincides with the centenary of the author’s birth. expected end KOAC 2023 It will begin with the chorus “El día de mañana” and end with the Comparsa “El embrujo de Cádiz”.

Order of Grand Final COAC chirigotas 2023

The jurors are ready to deliver their verdict. It remains only to enjoy and get bored with laughter. Next, we describe in detail the entire procedure for the grand finals of COAC 2023 chirigotas:

  • Chorus Tomorrow
  • Chirigota Vamo a escuchá (chirigota street)
  • compare slaves
  • El Populo Gladiator Workshop School Quartet
  • choir voice
  • Chirigota Happens to me, unfortunate
  • Compare the invisible city


  • choir of blacks
  • Chirigota Los Vinanos
  • Comparsa Cadiz of my soul
  • Chorus Los Martinez
  • Chirigota my soul
  • Comparsa Charm of Cadiz

Chirigotas Winners 2022

They are still the reigning champions. And they will continue until tonight. In the 2022 edition of chirigotas, they received the first prize La chirigota La misión; troupe The Submissives; the Pachamama choir and the quartet Los ultraortodoxos de los callejones cardoso.

Now that you know when chirigotas COAC 2023 and its grand finaleyou will be able to enjoy a show that is sure to make you smile.