Any kind of artistic expression, from the most elementary to the most complex, is based on a process of communication. Messages mutate, develop, enrich or become impoverished depending on outgoing and receiving actors. This process eventually creates the kind of synergy that is necessary for the survival of the art. In this context, he always moved Andreu Buenafuenteknown for his role as a communicator who has recently allowed himself to shine as an artist.

The last exhibition from Reus, which can be visited until 5 January at gallery Art Enlla from Barcelona’s Gràcia district, is a good example of the artistic care that showman multidisciplinary. A journey through the different moods that have accumulated during the pandemic and post-pandemic.

Ball class (Andreu Buenafuente)
Ball class (Andreu Buenafuente) ART ENLLA

His talent as a draftsman was well known and he published two illustrated books: I do not understand anything (Reservoir Books, 2015) and laughter is the only way out (Harper Collins, 2020) or collaboration as a cartoonist with the New York Times. However, thanks to the latest exhibitions in which he has participated, we are beginning to discover a more abstract Buenafuente artist, where form loses in favor of color and experimentation. Paul Klee, Igor Kandinsky or Joan Miró make up a number of influences, among which was supposedly inspired by the artist, who defines himself as 100% self-taught.

The path of art is long, but very beautiful. When you manage to express a feeling with art, the pleasure is incomparable, magical, almost eternal.


AT suspension points We know the most intimate version of the Catalan communicator thanks to the pictorial expression of his emotional state, causing tension, detachment, richness and emptiness, where subjectivity causes prolongation and anticipation of works in which individuality complements the collective and vice versa. A hypnotic play of dots that connect and diverge in an explosion of colorful psychedelia, flirting primitively and effectively with the viewer’s feelings. A few ellipses that dive into geometric abstraction to lengthen the various meanings of this visual conversation.

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A post posted by Andreu Buenafuente (@andreubenafuente)

Andreu has spent over 30 years experimenting with other forms of communication through the creative diversity offered by the plastic arts. A passion that he cultivated at the same time as the success he achieved as one of the leading figures in radio and television.

Andreu Buenafuente ART ENLLA

The artist Buenafuente invites us into an inner world where pigment and lines are the protagonists. He uses color as a transmitter of emotions and feelings, an apparent chaos that organizes itself autonomously. A journey of emotions, in which the viewer enters the visual code proposed by the “showman”, proving that he is able to complete this communication process as an artist.