According to a study of content consumption habits, it is concluded that a quarter of Spaniards, almost 26%, say they watch almost no or at most a few times a month traditional television.

The New Consumption Habits and Advertising Effectiveness report is produced by market research platform Appinio and consulting firm Apache based on a survey of more than 1,000 online and mobile consumers aged 18 to 65 nationwide. .

The study confirms a new X-ray of consumption of linear TV, which is viewed for free during its broadcast, in a clear decline compared to free digital TV or subscription.

41.7% of respondents admit that they watch this traditional format every day, 24.5% several times a week and 8% once a week.

The remaining 25.8% admit that they practically do not watch TV: 6.5% say that several times a month, 3.1% – once a month, 5.5% less often and 10.7% never see it.

The way content is consumed has changed, and multi-screen behavior has supplanted linear television, which is perceived as the most ad-heavy medium.

Social networks have also expanded (Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Twitch, etc.), which are accessed daily by 72.4% of respondents, and search engines, which are used with the same frequency, in addition to mobile applications, are consulted by 70.4%.

On traditional television, this figure drops to 41.7%, on subscription to 42.5%, on open digital television to 43.4% and on YouTube to 45.8%.