director, Emmy award winner, Nicholas Brownsent Lettera new documentary starring the Pope about the ability of mankind to stop the ecological crisis, the world premiere of which took place on Tuesday in the Vatican.

According to a statement from the Laudato Si Movement, the feature film was Made by an Oscar-winning documentary film crew. non-standard (My Teacher Octopus and his goal is to bring the message of Laudato Si to a new audience.

The film tells history of travel to Rome of various leadersdedicated to caring for our common home to discuss the encyclical Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis. “The exclusive dialogue with the Pope included in the film provides a candid insight into Pope Francis’ personal history and stories that have never been made public since he became Bishop of Rome,” the statement said.

main characters of the film it is an indigenous leader in the Amazon, a climate refugee and student from Senegal, a youth activist from India and a group of scientists from the United States (husband and wife) representing voices often not heard in the global conversation about our planet. . Through their transformative encounter with the Pope and with each other, they provide new hope for our common home.

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa OFM, a preacher in the papal household since 1980, appears in the film and offers a unique perspective on understanding the ancient Franciscan roots of Laudato Si’s message. The trailer and full movie are available on the YouTube Originals channel. This is the first time that a film featuring the Pope will be available for free on a streaming service.