Maria Gornaya the world was put on the fitter, and by proclaiming herself the godmother of Gay Pride in Seville, she put an end to the speculation surrounding her personal life, He spoke about his sexual orientation like never before and publicly introduced his partner for 23 years, the head of the Canal Sur Inmaculada Casal society.

In a much applauded speech with which showed his courage and how she won our hearts a little more, folklore made it clear that although she never spoke of her intimacy, she did not hide it either. And what better reason to claim freedom than on her land, in front of her people and pride in love and responsiveness.

“Do you think, as I have said on occasion, that I am a robot. Why didn’t I have a family? of course i have, for 23 years, and clearly and simply, this is mine, and today I once again declare my right to continue to be mine, ”the euphoric Maria began, making it clear that, despite her prudence,“ never in my life have I hiding and I’m not going to do this for anyone, ever. What will I hide from this, am I crazy, unconscious?

confession his great fortune is that he “found the love of his life”the artist admitted that her secrecy all these years was due to “trying to protect this family, because if I was a typist, nothing would have happened, I don’t care, but I don’t want the people I love to suffer” .

“I want you to know that I am another one of all of us here and all those who are part of the world, and of course my partner is here today,” she continued, timidly inviting Inmaculada to join her in this unexpected arrival. . from the closet for everything high: “I started talking about freedom and I’m going to start respecting your freedomif he wants to go up, let him go up, and if not, that will change the meaning for me.”

The invitation, which her partner accepted, went up on stage and took part in a merry dance with Maria, dressed in a gay pride flag, on a special day that, as the folklorist proudly admitted, “is a before and after for me.”