On June 21, the “most complete” book of yoga asanas will be presented, edited by the editors of “Amat” and coinciding with international day of yoga. under the heading The Art of Asanas: 144 Asanas of Essenes Yoga This is the first manual that deals with the 144 basic asanas (postures) from different points of view, in addition to physical technique.

Work not only provides the keys to the correct construction of each asana, as well as its possible optionsbut delves into the intent of each pose and details the benefits for both the physical and emotional body.

The Art of Asanas approaches poses from a completely different perspective. The book is the result of intense sadhana (personal practice) by 40-year-old master Soma, a yogi who understands asana not only as a physical posture, but also as an awakening of consciousness and the spiritual plane.

Soma notes that “Yoga provides us with many transformation techniques. But all too often we identify it with the physical transformation that undoubtedly comes with practice and neglect its great legacy: the awakening of consciousness. This book is a fundamental tool for the yoga practitioner to develop and move beyond physical practice.

“Because yoga does not seek to know or analyze; but in order to be, experience and vibrate, we must take the opportunity to practice it from the knowledge of the hidden teachings that each asana gives us,” Soma explains, for which “Asana is a state in which it is practiced with the body, done by the mind and achieved by the Soul “.

asana art It is intended both for teachers and yoga practitioners, and for people with spiritual problems. Over 600 pages, the practitioner will be able to extract physiological knowledge, a detailed explanation of each of the stages of asana construction and its benefits for the body and soul. The structure is common to all asanas, which are divided into 21 typologies depending on the purpose or main body part that is working (lengthening, strength, relaxation and bonding asanas, inversions, standing in balance, etc.).

In this way, practitioners will be able to build sessions with series that have adequate postures for correct body compensation, and thus plan in a balanced way so that a complete and harmonious series is obtained.

Similarly, the guide has wonderful photographs of different practitioners in scenic natural settings, visualizing the options depending on the level of evolution of each person’s practice, more or less difficult, for all levels.

Soma, Xabier Satrastegui (Aldaba, Navarra, 1952), tireless yogi and explorer. He considers himself a student and apprentice of the master yogis and Essenes of mankind. After graduating in interior design, he began to study architecture at the university, and at the age of 25, yoga crossed his path and he saw that his path was a different type of architecture, the path of the human soul.

After 10 years of studying various fields of knowledge with various teachers of yoga, tai chi, sufism, shamanism, rebirthing and gestalt, he received the title of a yoga teacher in the School of Sadhana and in the Spanish Association of Yoga Practitioners (AEPY).

A Reiki Master, in 1997 he founded the Essen Witrich Yoga School (Undues de Lerda, Zaragoza) with the aim of serving all those who aspire to progress in the spiritual realm. She has been training yoga teachers for over 20 years. Founder of FEYS (Spanish Yoga Satsang Federation) in 2005, member in turn of the Iberian Yoga Confederation and the European Yoga Confederation. Creator of the School of the Arts learn how to die in 2016.