Within a month November 2023already in winter we can observe dance of the moon in its different phases and other astronomical phenomena that will occur during this month.

Lunar calendar November 2023

  • Last quarter: November 5 at 9:36.
  • New moon: November 13 at 10:27.
  • Crescent: November 20 at 11:50.
  • Full moon: November 27 at 10:16.

The illuminated part of the Moon that we see from Earth It changes as the positions of the Earth, Sun and Moon change. Change appearance of the moon that’s what we call Moon phases.

exact dates and times in which the various phases occur correspond Spanish Peninsula. (National Geographic Institute)

lunar calendar-November-2023

Leonid shower in November 2023

During this month there will also be rain of Leonid stars.

Night November 18th there will be Leonid rain it will be visible everywhere Spain.

Leonids are small fragments of a comet discovered in 1865 that when they collide with the Earth they produce small bright flashes and rays in the sky.

lunar calendar-November-2023

Zodiac signs in November by lunar phases

  • Last quarter: Leo
  • New moon: Scorpion
  • Crescent: Aquarium
  • Full moon: Twins


Moon sign is the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located at the time of your birth.