Spain is increasingly leaving more back to the summer monthswhen he enters astronomical autumn, accompanied by long periods of rain and storms. Given the uncertainty of the weather, residents are looking for possible forecasts for this fall season. Jorge Rey will meet face to face again to models State Meteorology Agency (Aemet) in his forecasts for October this year.

A 16-year-old boy from Burgos became famous after allegedly storm prediction Filomena. It uses the cabanuelas method to forecast weather, based on a method inherited from rural Spain. highly criticized author: Aemet. The agency believes that “this could impact people’s lives” and urges the public to trust scientists and experts rather than parascience.

Moreover, this is not the first time that a meteorology fan has challenged the agency’s forecasts. This has already happened during forecasts for the past August 2023, when Ray warned that the month would be marked by “severe storms.” A fact that has finally happened. So, what will the weather be like in the fall of 2023?

The warmest and rainiest autumn according to Aemet

Aemet’s seasonal forecast models are predicting a warmer and wetter fall than normal. The agency, dependent on the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Issues (MITECO), indicates a high probability that October, November and December are warmer than usual.

This percentage exceeds 60% in the case of the peninsula and increases to 70% in the archipelagos. For his part, regarding precipitation, he states that there is 50% chance it will be rainier than usual, compared to 20% drier. Although he points out that in this case there is great uncertainty.

And all this while Spain is in a period atmospheric instability this affects many regions. Cold air squalls, thunderstorms, heavy rains… In addition, the temperature raised above the Mediterranean Sea leads to the arrival phenomena unusual, as is the case with medications.

Coldest winter than usual, according to Jorge Rey

For his part, Jorge Rey assured in a new video that winter is colder than usual It’s right around the corner. “October will surprise us with completely different behavior than in previous years,” explained the young man. This change is due to “early arrival of cold air”, a pattern he identified through behavior swallows.

Likewise, after observing unusual increase in the presence of waspsRay reminded his followers of the saying: “The year of wasps, the year of snow and blizzards.” Although the young man from Burgos noted that it was too early to draw premature conclusions, he explained that natural signs point to early arrival of cold weather. “The fogs make us think that next snowfall in the country is just around the corner,” he said.

Meanwhile, Aemet insists on efficiency approved models predictions, although they may not always be more accurate. However, one thing is clear: the young man’s popularity has grown in recent years. Currently his channel is on YouTube, Time with JRhas almost 50 thousand subscribers. This figure looks set to continue to rise in the coming years.