Artificial intelligence is a technology that is changing the world of business today. For the most far-sighted, it will help cure cancer, spread autonomous cars, and be able to perform the functions and jobs that humans do today.

At the moment, and only in the last decade, machine learning, the field of AI that allows machines to automatically learn from the information received and improve their performance in specific tasks, has become almost ubiquitous, lagging behind the technologies we use on a daily basis. .

From Google Translate and facial recognition algorithms, through voice assistants like Alexa or Siri. This area of ​​AI has helped its adoption continue to grow and is especially relevant in our society. In fact, according to IDC research, government and business spending on implementing AI solutions will exceed 500 billion euros in 2023.

However, despite such a significant turnover, this technology is less known to the people of Spain than one would think a priori. According to a survey conducted by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), 32.3% of Spaniards have no opinion about AI and 15.1% are unaware of its application. In fact, 15% say the technology poses “many risks” to society.

Exceltic, a leading engineering and consulting company that is accelerating innovation in mobile services and smart infrastructure, industry 4.0, energy transition and digital transformation, is wondering to what extent the average citizen knows what AI really is, and whether they know what He does not know. It’s confusing. see successes whose basis is barely understood.

“The term AI encompasses the branch of computing focused on building machines that can think and learn by integrating big data, machine learning and deep learning to analyze the world around them and make autonomous judgments, just like a human would,” explains José Antonio Suarez. , CEO of Exceltic.

The most significant achievements in the field of AI and its relevance in various sectors
Similar to human intelligence, artificial intelligence works by collecting large amounts of data, processing it with algorithms that have been fine-tuned based on past experience, and using the patterns it finds to improve decision making.

In turn, AI is able to analyze and perform calculations much faster than any person. Thus, technologies allow processing large amounts of data in a short time, which is especially valuable in areas such as data analysis or decision making.

“In fact, AI is still a computing system used by computers that draws conclusions autonomously, like an algorithm that recommends what to read based on previously purchased books, or a robot vacuum cleaner that has a basic understanding of their environment. “, says Suarez.

Although progress does not stop there. Instead of programmers providing a definitive list of instructions on how to complete a task, machines are already being taught to learn how to do it themselves in a computational model known as an artificial neural network. That is, a large network of connections, inspired by the way neurons are connected in the brain: inputs flow through the network, guided by the strength of the connections, to find the appropriate output.

Although they have been around since the 1950s, they have only begun to catch on in recent years due to the huge increase in both the amount of data produced by the network itself and the computing power.
Modern computers are up to the task. What they know well about Exceltic, whose global agreement with H2O.ia, one of the world’s leading technology firms in the field (provides its AI services in the cloud to more than 20,000 organizations such as Paypal, LG or Unilever, and has Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and NVIDIA among its sponsors) “allows us to offer an AI solution for predictive modeling, deep learning, computer vision, time series and neural networks that does not require extensive and expensive data engineering,” concludes José Antonio Suarez. . “A solution that not only allows you to create AI models in a much shorter time than traditional options, but is also available to any sector.”

Thus, various industries, such as pharmaceuticals and healthcare, are enjoying the benefits of AI. In particular, technology is being used to improve the accuracy and speed of medical diagnoses, develop more effective and personalized treatments, help to accurately understand test results, optimize the safety and effectiveness of medical procedures, and monitor and manage patient health data.

In addition, AI is being introduced for optical character recognition (OCR). The goal of this project is to develop and provide an OCR system that allows you to read identity documents and medical prescriptions by recognizing handwritten characters.

Benefits range from increased efficiency in data storage and access processes. passing capacity of bulk loading documents. This way, employees can be dedicated to other important tasks in the organization.

Similarly, the energy sector is experiencing a significant upswing thanks to AI. There is a drive to innovate and increase the sustainability of the sector by exploiting its benefits such as energy production, storage and distribution that are more efficient and safer. Some of the latest innovations include improving the efficiency of electricity generation and distribution, developing better renewable energy sources, understanding and better predicting consumer behavior, improving the safety and reliability of the power system, and monitoring and monitoring the performance of various power systems. related systems.

On the other hand, the financial sector is also taking advantage of the power of AI. Activities such as banking and insurance are a prime example of the large amounts of data you have to work with and the unlimited possibilities they offer if you have the right tools at your fingertips. AI improves the accuracy and speed of financial transactions, creates better trading algorithms, helps institutions better understand and predict market trends, strengthens the security of financial systems, and monitors and detects fraudulent activity.