Ultra group of fans Seville Byris North showed hisrefusal» until the decision of the Board of Directors to sign a defender Sergio Ramoswhich returns to the essence of Nervionense 18 years after his departure to Real Madrid. According to this group, sevillism should have “memory and pride” and make it so that “values” O “economic”.

“As an ultra group of Seville for almost 50 years, We want to express our opposition to those who proposed this signing.. No.We are not driven by hatred or resentment, but by love and pride for our club, its history and its fans.”, the statement posted on social media said.

Sergio Ramos, who left the Nervion team for Real Madrid 18 years ago, has signed a season with the Seville club; The Andalusian defender was released on 30 June after crossing through PSG.

Biri considers the signing of Sergio Ramos by Sevilla as a sign of disrespect.

Biris Norte expressed his regret over the addition of a player from Kamas and believes:lack of respecther return. “We believe that the very offer of this signing already implied a lack of respect for the values ​​that made us great.symbols and legends that protected our shield, and to the thousands of sevillistas who have suffered in the past from the contempt of this player”, he decided.

“We think that this signing will benefit the interests of some managers who do not understand and do not understand what makes Sevilla great and who only care about their own personal and/or economic interests.. We are not like them and we will always be with Sevilla. but not those who stain it with their decisions,” he added.
“Sevillism must have memory and pride, analyze the situation and each draw their own conclusions. We as a group are very clear on this and while we know that there are fewer of us every day who put our economic values ​​first, for Biris Norte it’s out of the question,” he continued.

On the other hand, the group assured that every decision of the club’s board of directors “moves further away from a model that respects» his way «feel the shield”.

“We say it again: dignity, values ​​and respect for the shield and the fans are the foundation on which an organization with more than a century of history must be maintained. We are tired of seeing the directors and major shareholders of Sevilla put their economic interests ahead of what it really means to be a Sevilla fan.although to a certain extent this can be understood, since this is nothing but their business, their livelihood, and they did not grow up with a real love for this club, and their association was inherited, or bought, in the form of shares, ”said He.

Biris will not strike against the signing of Sergio Ramos by Sevilla

However, he explained thatNo”will”actions such as cheering or insulting any player during matches.”. “However, We also cannot and must not support any action that violates the principles and dignity of Seville.. We also ask the rest of Seville to know how to live up to what Seville is. In recent months, we have seen what these fans are capable of when they unite and fight in unison for Sevilla. Let no one forget:l Sevilla are us (ALL the fans), and not those who from the office cling to the chair in order to be able to continue to live at the expense of Sevilla”, he concluded.

Sergio Ramos apologizes when joining Sevilla

Knowing what would happen, in the press release in which Sevilla officially announced their signing, Sergio Ramos wanted to apologize. “Hi Sevilla fans, today is a special day for me, very exciting. I’m finally back home and I’m looking forward to the moment when I can feel the Sevilla shirt again and put this shield on my chest. It’s been 18 years since I left and I guess I’ve made mistakes and I want to take this opportunity to apologize in the first person and apologize to any Sevilla player who felt offended by the deeds and gestures that I might have made at that time.. I think we are all in the same boat, we are all from the same family, and we have too many people outside to fight us, ”he began with words.

“Just want to say that I am one more, I want to add, row in the same direction, and I look forward to putting on the shield of Seville again, stepping on Sanchez Pizjuan and meeting you all again. It was my duty not only to myself, but also to my family, to my grandfather, who made me a fan of Sevilla from childhood, to my father, and from that moment there was no point in taking a different course, taking a different direction that did not pass past my house. I hope to see you very soon, I hope to do my best and achieve the goals together with the team,” concluded Sergio Ramos.