You may not have noticed it, but many people are already ordering pedestals for their statues.

You go out to take out the trash, read the newspaper on Tuesday, take your child to soccer practice, or meet your son-in-law at the paper register, and you are convinced that more and more of us are very determined people in pursuit of posterity. , pointing a finger of light into the future, in a quarter-hour race to create and strengthen a lasting legacy, something that will make us remember when we are no longer here.

Perhaps it is because of the over-exposure of our lives, because we have become textbook cynics, or perhaps we no longer expect anything from history and its characters, but there is no greater circus and no more ardent bonfire of vanity than the one that brings together Sherpas of the future, those who, in all the twists and turns of life, strive to go down in history, although no one – alas – asked them to do so.

And it’s not just TikTok schools or Instagram live streams where these ghosts thrive, silencing the Ghost of Christmas Future. dickens.

With the Transition buried and its children consumed by the epidemic of uniformity ravaging political parties, the carriers of the future without a hint of containment are already among us.

From the confirmation in a once serious journalistic forum of the impressive and quiet global revolution in puff pastry, led by three bakeries in Madrid (nothing will be the same again), to milestones and outrages (depending on the day and price of the apocalypse). artificial intelligence; from the birth of a promising new era in the art of cutting and cutting to the mastery of that civilizational leap that completely immersed us in fashion coworking space (we lost offices) and coliving (heat some Yatecomo in a public microwave, assuming that the overnight stay at the hotel at the expense of the company is over); from new trends in education, nanocourses that guarantee you an ocean of knowledge one centimeter deep, to radical innovations – what I know – in the art of upholstering a sofa with the remnants of pruning cobs of environmental, new knowledge and among us is growing exponentially its heralds, this army experts and would-be offspring, guided by beings of light who show us the way and tell us exactly what we must do, so many as the world falls away from us. this carousel of deferred vanity.

If before it was great men with complex surnames, philanthropists and even bullfighters on a good day with two passes and a smug line, to which two lines were guaranteed in the annals of history, then to this anticipatory self-awareness of the inevitable necessity beyond, to this inalienable right to mark an era, to the consolation of being remembered for the most varied and extravagant merits are now added the subalterns, the middle peasants, so many normal people who formerly stayed at home, brazenly demanding their momentary glory.

And we can say that it is not the most capable, the most brilliant of us who are leading this expected conquest of the future, which is revealed in numerous registers and screens. We indulged in a crazy racetrack where mules beat horses. It seems that this accelerated battle for the square meter of the epic, for the delimitation of this small, devoid of glory plot, is being waged not by thinkers and not by the smartest minds – the quietest rivers are the deepest – displaced by others, tribes deeper, noisier, gregarious and determined, equally incapable to remain silent, as well as to feel a sense of shame, at a time when everything is in order, as long as it comes from myself.

In this market and fair of the future in installments, perhaps it is now that politics, social life, which unfolds before us with all its crudeness and apparatus, demands greater rights for posterity and transcendence. Anything is possible if it is done in the name of the future. He said AsanyaWhen asked about the management ability and rhetorical qualities of some of his colleagues in government, moreover, he could not speak, he was concerned that the politician did not know what he was talking about. UnamunoIn turn, he said that he did not trust Asanya as a writer without readers, but capable of anything to get them.

The Spanish transition is buried and its children are devoured by the epidemic of masculine uniformity that is devastating the political parties; links, restrictions, leadership and even respect for norms and the electoral body are violated; oblivious to this era of unbridled sentimentalization, which also permeates the mood of the public sphere and in which it is no longer possible to raise a debate or sensibly defend one’s opinion without being slapped, shouted at, or disobeyed – syrup for the recalcitrant -, to a verdict of repeal and curse of memory new theologians of what is right and proper, carriers of the future, modern heroes in potential and action, colonizers of the future without a hint of containment, are already among us.

Pedro, Yolanda, Carles, Oriole They have incarnated among us, they have become political leaders, full of descendants, determined to become posthumous characters of themselves, although tomorrow there may be no one and nothing left to celebrate their achievements or correct their escape. Otegi and the writers of northern poetry blur history in order to make the coming reign of this good man, saturated with hatred and a graveyard world, more tolerable. The owners and troops of Vox rejoice every night, reliving the Battle of Salado in Ferraz with an epic of only a hundred that does not fit in the Atlases and Albert, Elijah And Cook They continue to think about their own, looking with one eye on posterity and the other on countercultural exploits Ayuso. No one seems to care about the amount of marble required.

You may not have realized it, but many have already climbed onto the pedestal of their statues.