Otegi He no longer wants to be a lehendakari, a job like that of an abbot or innkeeper of the Basque people or the Basque people, which, in his undoubted opinion, is no longer suitable for a hero like himself, aging and dreaming of sitting on a fat horse in a gazebo. Otegi is an absolute hero of his people, besides, of course, Sanchez And Shoemaker. (From here on out, I’m going to lump Sanchez and Zapatero together not only because they resemble the Cervantes silhouette of the cheese brand that is now PSOE, but also because Sanchez needs Zapatero’s Zen Sanchopanzism to humanize himself, to survive Sanchez himself without principles, without memory and without shame). Otegi is an absolute hero, he said, a man of both war and peace, even the world of his own war, who demonstrates great economy of resources and morality (as happened with Kissinger with his Nobel Prize). I believe Otegui prefers to retire while ETA still remembers what it has done, what it has achieved and what it continues to achieve, before the very concept of memory or cruelty is lost with Sanchez.