The July election results showed only two possible scenarios, as an understanding between the PP and PSOE was unfortunately ruled out: the government is left to the extreme political options or a repeat election. There was no repeat election and today we have a government dependent on one of the most extreme identity-based, separatist, supremacist and xenophobic right-wing parties in Europe..

1486 words clearly summarize the program of this legislature; the ones he said Miriam Nogueras, representative of Junts per-Catalunya, which participates in the PSOE-Junts agreement. Nogueras emphasized in a menacing tone that “not one of these 1,486 words is accidental or unnecessary,” and made obvious what we all already knew: the Younts agreement was the only one that allowed investiture. His observance will be the only thing that will allow him to rule Pedro Sanchez.

And the agreement, read it, presupposes the basic principles of independence regarding what has happened in Catalonia over the past 13 years. The most serious aspect of this history is its historicism: the decrees of the Nueva Planta between 1707 and 1716 are intended to define Catalonia as a nation, as a historical reality.

PSOE assumes what it ignores: in our constitutional system there cannot be an alternative legitimacy, a historical legitimacy as opposed to a democratic one.

PSOE assumes what it ignores: that there can be no alternative legitimacy, no historical legitimacy, and no democratic legitimacy in our constitutional system. Both are incompatible because they give rise to deep inequality between citizens, which is contrary to the principle of equality enshrined in the Constitution. There is no alternative legitimacy to the democratic principle. This is the only legitimacy from which the Constitution, from which the current existence of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia and its Statute originates, is exactly the same legitimacy as that of the rest of the CCAA of the Spanish nation.

The importance that this capitulation of the PSOE has for the Younts explains the discomfort they wanted to create due to the initial intervention of the candidate for office. And so they let their exile know, Santos Cerdan (the poor fellow, who has been seeing the fugitive since March, as he himself said). I represent him at an urgent meeting on Wednesday evening, to which he was called by a representative of the Hants to state his demand that Sanchez defend what was signed, that he publicly acknowledge what he was able to privately accept in order to obtain votes to take office. Let it be about conflicts and negotiations between equals. Hence the threat later expressed on the platform that without strict adherence to all points of the agreement, namely 1486 words, they would not vote on any initiative presented by the government.

The enforcement of this will be in the hands of international inspectors, of whom, it seems, we will only know the identity of one of them, because the rest will remain secret (no matter how many times this is read, the surprise at such humiliation does not fade), who will be met in the third country. And it is they, replacing the control function of the Cortes, who will monitor compliance with the pacts on which the continuity of the government of Spain will depend. What stability will a government born from such capitulation have?

When will the legislative power end? Obviously, it will end when Younts decides that the agreement is not being implemented, or when he realizes that impunity for the signatories is guaranteed and they consider that their political interests do not advise maintaining it. And last but not least, What kind of autonomy will the future government have?

Younts has made it clear that he not only wants to control Sanchez and the actions of his government, but also control his speech. In fact, it seems that the only thing he can do without contradicting his partners (which was evident in the debate not about investiture, but about confronting the opposition) is to confront the right. The right, by the way, will become a bloc in which will be all those who do not applaud him, no matter what he says and when he says it: the extreme right, of course, is so useful for sanschism; moderate right-wingers, non-Sanchista progressives, and all those who have not sacrificed reason, logic, and conviction to opportunism and embraced the creed of identity.

Around all those who do not encourage him and do not use him to achieve their true goals, Sanchez – he has already warned in this spirit reconciliation And coexistence what he boasts about is that he will build a wall. He will rule Spain to the exclusion of more than half of the Spaniards.

Polarization was yesterday, today and will be tomorrow the only scenario in which Sanchez was able to resist and grow. He did it before he came to power in the party, he did it as the general secretary and he does it as the president of the government. He told Feijoo again and again: all you have left is Vox. Not realizing, not daring to admit that he only has Puigdemont.

Nobody talked so much about coexistence; No one has done much to destroy it.

Sanchez weaved investments to be in government, not to govern

For this reason, I believe that Sanchez created the investment to be in government, not to govern. The approval of significant legislative initiatives will not be possible without the support of some partners – nothing is known about the agreement signed with Bildu – who have their own interests and are absolutely contrary to the development and strengthening of the Spanish state, which they see as an enemy that must be destroyed. The only way forward for secessionist nationalism is the devastation of Spain.

There will be no opportunity to undertake the structural reforms that are so needed and expected for many years by excluding the PP from them and the autonomous communities that this party governs. It will be much less possible to have a left-wing and progressive government that depends on the separatist, supremacist and xenophobic right, to which the PSOE provided the key.

We are entering a confrontational legislature in which there is hardly room for a common project for all This will be a period of resistance to Spanish democracy. For institutions and for citizens.

This will be the moment when political forces, both right and left, will have to take stock of the great mistakes that have also been made that have also contributed to bringing our country to this critical situation.

The PN, as a democratic right, must admit its grave mistake of handing over the far right to devolved governments and correct it.. And the left will have to reconsider its principles. First, it is incompatible to be leftists and nationalists that a welfare state guaranteeing equality and freedom is impossible without the protection of a constitutional state. That the defense of the unity of Spain is nothing other than the defense of the equality of the Spaniards. And we will have to do this by restoring respect and dialogue as the most powerful tools of politics.

While Sanchez builds the wall he told us about in his inauguration debate, we will have to build bridges among Democrats.

Soraya Rodriguez She is a member of the European Parliament as part of the Ciudadanos delegation.