I seem to remember that one of the most time consuming tasks I ever had to do was Winston Smithmain character of the novel 1984 from George Orwell (1903-1950), had to completely modify the newspaper archive depending on the temperature of the relations of the Oceanian superpower with other countries: in the event of a resumption of hostilities, the newspaper archive had to be full of cross-insults; If peace returns, the history of the past will include odes and praises of good relationships, in addition to the enormous and thankless task of rewriting history to completely erase the existence of missing people from official records.

This was, without a doubt, the extreme manifestation of collective oblivion that the Soumara political coalition accepted with disappointing speed in its government agreement with the PSOE and not only failed to corner the Sahrawi people, but ignored them. entirely in exchange for power quotas allowing for a major role in social policy within a future socialist executive.

Sumar continues the performance of election illusionism

Having carried as a banner in its electoral program the correction of Sánchez’s decision to fully support the Moroccan proposal, the coalition led by Yolanda Díaz did not hesitate to refuse to include this correction in the government program finally agreed upon with the PSOE. But since we live in a time when the truth of facts is no longer enough, there are still those who naively believe in the “meek and soothing” words of the members of “Soumara”, especially when it became known about the alleged “informal “agreement” with the Polisario (that brings us to disturbing memories of the numerous agreements signed in the seventies and even in the eighties by the Spanish socialists with the Polisario) with eleven points, among which “continue to work to reverse the turn of Sanchez”, which is as convincing as the promise of a cure for the famous CCC courses.

Sumar continues the show of electoral illusionism: on the one hand, has already agreed to consign Western Sahara to oblivion as the first line of political action.essential and real; On the other hand, some members raise their voices on social networks and in demonstrations, in a liquid politics of fruitless shouting, like the one that occurred in Madrid on November 11, where Yolanda Diaz was an ephemeral star at the head of the event. with a brief appearance for the pleasure of the press and the delight of followers, nothing more than a pithy declaration of intent regarding the rights of the Saharan and Palestinian peoples, which would be equally valid, with only minor modifications, if it were recognized for the reproductive and conservation rights of the Iberian lynx, but in this case, with greater guarantees of keeping promises regarding the welfare of endangered felines.

The game that Sumar is entering into, which has already seduced Unidas Podemos in the previous legislature, is the game of the aesthetics of power.

The game that Sumar enters, which already seduced Unidas Podemos in the previous legislature, is the game of the aesthetics of power or that constant simulation in which Sánchez and the PSOE agree, but do not admit, that there are any “cheap islands”. “.” within the executive branch, to the glory of the former defenders of universal rights, has now been reduced to managers interested in changing the situation, with very limited powers, who serve as an excuse to accept any humiliation, claiming that they do not have the power to deal with the most important issues happening outside Spain .

Several years ago, while promoting his deservedly acclaimed novel On the shoreValencia Rafael Chirbes (1949-2015) said in an interview that Money has a detergent effect that can buy innocence, and he illustrated this with the example of murderers and red hunters. During the Civil War and post-war period, enriched by looting and expropriating property, they raised and educated their children: these children eventually became great architects who designed social housing, or brilliant lawyers who defended working class but origins. The money that allowed them to build this reputation was tainted by the blood of innocent people in the gutters. But this lawyer or architect, a supposed social democrat, has a clear conscience in defending the poor, immigrants and, above all, the Iberian lynx thanks to the cleansing effect of his paternal wealth.

If we transfer Chirbes’s harsh judgment to politics, then power also has a cleansing effect: Sumar will be able to implement (always with the permission of the PSOE) some social policies that benefit those most affected by severe economic crises, but the origin of this power is who makes this possible, stained with the blood of innocent women and men. The members of the Soumara coalition who will eventually occupy the portfolio of the next socialist government will have the cleansing effect of power: clearing the conscience through social policy, naturally involving the acceptance of the oblivion of Western Sahara.

Mustafa M-Lamin He is a member of Zemmour, an association of Sahrawis in Valencia.