Let us acknowledge for once his boundless merits; he managed to change everything in a very short time and, without taking the smile off his face, almost without breaking his hair. Didn’t they say that Spanish society is under anesthesia? Well, thanks to resuscitation Sanchez We are more active than ever. Without these five years of pardons, amnesties and a reduction in theft of public money, constitutionalists would not be as united as we are today. Always distant parties like PP and Vox would continue to throw stones at each other instead of hiding under one umbrella, as they do now, and with fewer and fewer complexes. It was a miracle achieved by lies and criminals. The former were used to whitewash the latter, and today it is crystal clear who is who.

We managed to get rid of the fear of the word “facha”, to finally admit that “being progressive” is just a pose that never corresponds to the facts, that “coexistence” for them is synonymous with capitulation or protest. The street is not only a legacy of the left. And we owe it all to him.

No one like Sánchez has been able to show us without a doubt who the journalists of the regime are, who changed their minds at their own pace, and there is much merit in this, without demonstrating any consistency or principles in their professional activities. Just the way he likes it.

Thank you, President, for employing nearly 1,000 councilors and helping improve unemployment rates, and for showing us that the Democratic Party can become a partisan dictatorship if its leader so desires.

Thank you, President, for hiring nearly 1,000 advisers and helping improve unemployment numbers, and for showing us that the Democratic Party can become a partisan dictatorship if its leader so desires. Thank you for showing the way to so many wayward state institutions such as the CIS, RTVE, the Constitutional Court, the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Prosecutor’s Office, Correos, Indra, Aena, Renfe, Sepe, the Court of Auditors… Without Sanchez, where would we place so many friends- the socialists who supported him when the party barons kicked him out of Ferraz?

Our President achieved milestones never seen in Spain, such as the fact that at a demonstration called by the PP, PSOE voters came out with banners that read: “I, PSOE voter, ask the people for forgiveness and the government for resignation.” . It is the famous social cohesion that gave rise to his first mandate, or the fact that for 12 days, night after night, a group of anonymous citizens comes to the door of his party, even if it is raining and cold, and anywhere in Spain, to give him Thank you personally for your guidance.

Sánchez’s last great contribution to national unity, also unprecedented, was to hear at a PP demonstration the unanimous cry for a “general strike”, as if the UGT and CCOO had called us on May 1st. This will be the first general strike called by the people, even by businessmen, and not by the trade union elite. We are so indebted to him that it is time to recognize his value.

Even I am personally indebted to Sanchez, because after reading the manifesto in Cana Colon against him and the subsequent cancellation of me by all the media associated with him, they did not renew my contract in television, where I worked for fifteen years, and thanks to this, I opened for myself a new journalistic world, free from obligations and political connections, which made me a better journalist and a better person. Thank you, President.

For all these reasons, I ask you to remove photographs of the King from all public buildings and put up photographs of President Sánchez, so that October 12th ceases to be a National Day and becomes February 29th, the birthday of our beloved leader, and that plazas and embankments honor him Statues have been erected throughout Spain. So that no one will ever forget everything he did for us. I assure you that I will never forget this.