The agreement between PSOE and Junts, signed in Brussels, is presented as a commitment to “open a new stage and contribute to the resolution of the historical conflict over the political future of Catalonia.” It was as if the political future of Catalonia did not depend on the will of the Catalans expressed in elections. That is, it is as if there was no full-fledged democracy in Catalonia and both sides conspired to put an end to this anomaly.

PSOE succumbed to this interesting and false story of reality, with which Puigdemont He wants to make it clear that he and his party are going to resolve the historical conflict that arose due to the Nueva Planta decrees by putting Bourbon in his place. Philip V more than 300 years after the defeat of the Austrians.

Verbosity. The agreement contains a lot of equipment and some tasks that are very relevant.

It is necessary to distinguish the wheat from the chaff in order to appreciate this agreement, which led to Pedro Sanchez, and which provoked an angry reaction not only from right-wing parties, but also from associations of judges and prosecutors, as well as from an important part of civil society on its true scale. This social reaction, which will not surprise the government, calls into question one of the goals of the agreement, which is to restore the climate of dialogue in Catalonia. What he has already achieved is to polarize Spanish society and create tension in the streets that is unprecedented in our democracy. Was it really worth jeopardizing the coexistence of citizens for the sake of supposedly improving the climate in Catalonia?

The goal of this agreement, a “better Spain”, according to the President, is so implausible that even the editorial Financial Times Last Monday, which PSOE management is touting as a success, took the bait regarding this altruistic goal. For him FT The agreement with the independents shows that Sanchez is “an elusive politician who will do whatever it takes to remain in office.”

So let’s stop messing around. The move to Puigdemont has only one purpose: to add the seven necessary Junta votes for Sánchez to be sworn in as president.

As I said, the agreement contains a lot of high-flown verbiage, a pasty mess to inflate the ego of the fugitive. But there are concessions that Sánchez cannot make without an unconditional recognition of Spain’s poor democratic quality, which coincides with the rhetoric of independence, which is based on the fact that our country is not a full democracy.

The text of the agreement, as poor as it is unwieldy, is designed to please Puigdemont, who wants to be the leader who will restore to Catalonia the institutions lost after the defeat of Archduke Charles.

It would be pure fiction to suggest that two commissions of inquiry (by the way, already agreed upon when Jants voted with the PSOE to form the Congressional Council) could condition judicial decisions on issues related to conscription. Operation Catalonia or about Pegasus. To try to put out the fire, the PSOE itself issued an argument to journalists last Thursday, in which it said: “Parliament is under no circumstances going to undertake a review of any judgment or resolution. Parliament will not control judges.” Does Younts agree with this interpretation? Why was this not stated so clearly in the text of the agreement to avoid misunderstandings?

The problem created by “Justice” is precisely the lack of specificity, the ambiguity with which it is formulated so that “Yunts” can sell its people the exact opposite of what the PSOE says. And also in the fallacy of accepting the concept fear of the law, which indirectly admits that the judges avoided answering. The anger among judges, especially on the Supreme Court, is understandable.

There cannot be two ways here – this is the creation of an international commission with the participation of foreign controllers to monitor compliance with agreements. This is humiliation. Plus it’s a mess. How will the already established table between the Generalitat and the government be reconciled with this other party table if both have common goals? Nothing is said about this. Although the frequency of their meetings is set at one per month, and the text even indicates the topics of the first summit, which will take place in November this year: a referendum on self-determination; the transfer of 100% of taxes to the Generalitat and, of course, the amnesty law. It’s nothing!

Amnesty and its beneficiaries: this is the great secret of this agreement, which we hope to learn about next week. This is in fact the most important and therefore most painful concession on the part of the PSOE.

The verbiage takes on its meaning precisely as a cover for the amnesty. This is not about forgiveness, pardon, but about erasing the crimes committed, leaving the decision of the Supreme Court on empty paper. This pseudo-historical nonsense, which Puigdemont liked so much, serves to justify the unjustifiable. In short, the 1-O referendum and the unilateral declaration of independence were legitimate and democratic.

The transfers provided for by the Brussels Pact constituted a ticking time bomb for the Constitution and served as a guide for the PNV to accede to the demand for the term “nation” for the Basque Country and the establishment of bilateral relations with the state.

Sánchez brought himself to his knees, he brought all of us Spaniards to our knees in the face of the independence movement, just at the moment when it is at its weakest. The ERC, Junts and CUP received less than 30% of the votes in the 23-J general election. This year’s Dyad demonstration drew a much smaller crowd than previous events. Only 1,000 people attended the 1-O memorial event.

With this agreement, the President of the Government gave oxygen to a movement in obvious decline and increasingly disconnected from the real Catalonia and the youth.

The recognition that Catalonia is a nation, we will see how it will be formalized in pacts, and the bilateral nature of the agreements between the government and the Generalitat clearly goes beyond the scope of the Constitution. Thanks to this transfer, the sky opened for the PNW, and Ortuzar gave up five of his party’s votes in exchange for the preparation of a new Statute, which recognizes Euskadi as a nation and establishes the principle of bilateralism (in addition to the state transferring economic management of the social security system).

It is not that the Constitution is instantly violated, but rather that both agreements are a time bomb that will explode when agreements with independent countries are completed. If Catalonia and the Basque Country are “nations”, what is the point of maintaining a text dividing Spain into nationalities and regions?

But, I insist, we do not yet know the worst of the exchange. Once the amnesty bill reaches Congress—hopefully next week—we’ll know just how far this shame goes.

Almost 400 years ago, Philip IV (father of Philip V) defeated the forces of the House of Orange after the siege of the city of Breda, located just over 100 kilometers north of Brussels. In the box Velasquez, Surrender of Breda (or picture of a spear), one can see the general Spinola put your hand on the shoulder of the vanquished Justin Nassau to prevent him from being humiliated, since his resistance was heroic. On this occasion, Sanchez knelt before Puigdemont without resistance. Yunt leader humiliated Santos Cerdan pose under a giant portrait of urn 1-O.