Democratic beliefs involve more than strict adherence to laws. Under the rule of law, even those who defend totalitarian models are obliged to do so. Therefore, adhering to the law should not be a merit, because it should be considered for politicians as courage for legionnaires.

Demonstration in front of the headquarters of a political party, such as in front of Congress or in front of the home of a legislator or minister, may be legal, but it is incompatible with the basic principle of democracy: respect for others. the opinions of the people and the people, as well as symbols of popular sovereignty.

When you surround the headquarters of a political party, no matter what it is, you are directly attacking a democratic institution. This is exactly what has been happening for several days in front of the PSOE headquarters in Madrid.

The rallies began last weekend. The former president of the Community of Madrid attended the event on Saturday. Esperanza Aguirre. Although she came in a “personal capacity”, it is clear that for many people Aguirre is the leader of the PP and, as such, appears in televised meetings in which she participates.

Feijóo should have denounced the concentration at PSOE headquarters from day one. The lack of definition has allowed the government and its allies to place the PP alongside Vox and nostalgic ultras.

The PP said nothing during the weekend when no serious incidents had yet occurred. Moreover, the mayor of Madrid, Jose Luis Martinez Almeida, he not only did not criticize her, but also justified his presence: “He did not throw cobblestones and did not set fire.” Only this would not be enough!

On Monday, November 6, the concentration, supported by Vox, had already taken a new turn. There were clashes with the police, who used tear gas against the protesters. The next day, the representative of the PP in Congress, when asked by journalists, limited herself to saying: “I don’t like it.” But he refused to condemn the rallies. At the same time, he criticized the actions of the special forces. Vox even appealed to the agents’ disobedience to the orders of their superiors, which Abascal suggested that they began with a government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martin Aguirre.

Nunez Feijoo On Tuesday the 7th, he tweeted that “responsibility for social unrest lies with @sanchezcastejon.” He called for peaceful demonstrations on Sunday but did not condemn the concentration in Ferraz.

On Tuesday evening, what obviously needed to happen happened. The rally outside the Socialist headquarters sparked a violent confrontation between ultra- and neo-Nazi groups and riot police that left 39 people injured.

In an unusual practice (hopefully this always happens) the TVE News program at 21:00 maintained direct contact with Ferraz Street for more than a quarter of an hour, after the news broadcast had already ended. We could all see the aggressive behavior of some of the protesters and hear their screams. They looked like hooligans at the end of the game after drinking several liters of beer.

I assume that the Prime Minister will be concerned. But at the same time, I am satisfied that legitimate and justifiable outrage over the negotiations on an amnesty law tailored for independence supporters has turned, in light of these images, into street riots by far-right groups.

PP fell into the trap again. If he had condemned the concentration in Ferraz from the first moment, he would have protected himself from criticism from the government and its political and media allies for indifference and understanding of serious events that Vox clearly supported, some of whose leaders participated in the protests, the concentration.

If Feijóo had acted decisively, without fear of condemnation by the escrats, we would now have clearly distinguished between democratic protest against unprecedented humiliation by the government and Borroca cabbage with which some people try to bend their arm Pedro Sanchez.

Without a doubt, the president bears responsibility for the social climate of confrontation that has developed in recent days after he learned of the concessions he was willing to make to secure the votes needed for his inauguration. This strategy of tension suits Sanchez very well, as he positions himself as a victim of the ultra-groups that house those nostalgic for the Franco regime. He positions himself as moderation, dialogue, in front of those who throw stones at law enforcement officers.

President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, called on Wednesday for the rioters to be arrested and brought to justice. Feijão, more lethargic, declared in the Senate that “violence has no place in democracy, nor does impunity.” Five days late.