I admit it. My ability to surprise has reached its limit. If they tell me this Sanchez agreed to include in his government Puigdemont As Home Secretary, I believe in this.

This week we saw the president put basic principles of the rule of law on the market. Without caring about anything other than your determination to invest, no matter what, no matter the cost.

Let’s start with the shameful photo on Monday in Brussels of the PSOE number three, Santos Cerdanposed next to the Yunt leader, sorry, I meant the president Puigdemont. It was sad to see next to Cerdan, Iratche Garciarepresentative of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, pays tribute to the man she herself stripped in the European Parliament of the immunity that the fugitive politician claimed to shield himself from a judge’s search and arrest warrant Llarena will stand trial in Spain for crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than 15 years.

The PSOE released a snapshot of the meeting and a silent video, taking care to avoid the appearance of a large photograph that took up the entire wall behind the fugitive, showing some people carrying a giant ballot box as a sign of respect for the illegal election. About the referendum… It didn’t take us even ten minutes to discover what they were trying to hide from us. Then, apologizing, the PSOE stated that an agreement had been reached with the Junta leaders that this image would not appear in the version that was going to be disseminated in the media. What a pity!

Without breaking a sweat, the President attended the princess’s swearing-in ceremony the next day. Eleanor. One overshadowed the other, at least in the media spotlight. In Congress, he participated in a long applause (almost 4 minutes) for the Princess of Asturias, vowing to “protect and ensure the preservation of the Constitution.” Later, already at the Royal Palace, the President, in his short speech to hundreds of guests, had the courage to affirm: “An oath or promise is the way in which people must build a secure future in a world full of uncertainty.” But is there any promise he hasn’t broken?

We already assumed that Sanchez had investiture in his bag. In fact, in Congress circles, Socialist deputies, whose focus was Cerdan, noted that the text of the amnesty bill could reach the table of the House of Representatives on Thursday, November 2, and that the swearing-in sessions would take place next week. , as soon as the kings return from their trip to Denmark, the vote will be scheduled for the 9th, so that Sánchez can lead the meeting of European socialists, which will take place in Malaga (November 10 and 11), already as president.

PSOE’s pacts with ERC, already concluded, and with Junts, yet to be concluded, represent a humiliation for the state, yes. And, first of all, for King Philip VI, who in October 2017 called on the state authorities to restore constitutional order in Catalonia.

But no. Puigdemont’s protagonist caused people to express disgust. Oriol Junqueras, who was unable to leave the place where he fled, hiding in the trunk of a car, swallowing three years of money. The ERC has raised the price of investment support. They would not have signed if the amnesty had not included the leaders of the “Democratic Tsunami” and the accused of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR), 12 of whose members are on trial, accused by the National Court of terrorism. Fortunately, the judges and the Civil Guard continue to work.

Felix Bolaños He was responsible for putting out this fire. How? Giving in to everything Republican independents asked for. The pact with the ERC was concluded quickly on Thursday and was reflected in a document that would embarrass any socialist with little sense of the state. The PSOE not only grants an amnesty (we will know how many hundreds it will affect when we find out the final text sent to Congress), but also accepts the forgiveness of a debt to the Generalitat of 15 billion million and the gracious transfer of railway infrastructure. commuter trains, which, according to the industry minister, Rachel Sanchez, it couldn’t be done because it was “illegal.” But the worst thing is that the PSOE from A to Z recognizes the history of the independence movement, the legitimacy of its actions that threatened the stability of the state and coexistence in Catalonia, including the unilateral declaration of independence and 1 – EITHER.

The agreement, which is valued at seven votes, assumes the existence of a “conflict over the future of Catalonia” that is rooted in “different concepts of sovereignty on the part of the main players, such as the existence of a parliamentary majority and conflicting political aspirations in Catalonia and throughout Spain.” Namely, that the PSOE recognizes that there are two different sovereignties: one in Catalonia and the other in the rest of Spain. What a danger to admit the existence of this double power! First of all, when there is an agreement at the negotiating table to verify its compliance, including the rapporteur or rapporteurs, it is also allowed to discuss the referendum.

Junqueras, somewhat blurred in recent weeks, appeared elated at a press conference explaining the agreement last Thursday: “Today Catalonia wins.” He represented the image of a happy and satisfied person. “The first questions are in Catalan,” he warned journalists.

The last-minute tightening maneuver turned out to be a stroke of luck for the ERC. But, lo and behold, after a few hours Younts put the handbrake on, demanding for his part that the personalities he liked Josep Luis Alay (head of Puigdemont’s office), affected by the so-called Operation Volokh, shady contacts with the Kremlin so that Putin would help consolidate an independent Catalan republic; also, of course, to Laura Borras (convicted of embezzlement of public funds; Gonzalo Boyerex’s lawyer the president and accused of laundering drug money and… family Puyol! If you know a criminal who sympathizes with the Youths or the ERC, it’s time to release him from prison.

Having gathered and without concluding a pact, Cerdan remained in Brussels. Sanchez does not give up the idea of ​​implementing his express amnesty program to achieve express investiture.

Moncloa has already accepted that Puigdemont will have to be given something more so that he can look more masculine than Junqueras while removing Sanchez’s liver.

Meanwhile, we still don’t know whether the PSOE militants gave their consent to negotiations! We’ll find out at 22:00 on Saturday, November 4th. We will talk about it later.

In short, a shameful week for the PSOE, which Emiliano Garcia-Page called it “humiliation of the state.” The President of Castilla-La Mancha used exactly the term that defines what is happening. Yes, this is a humiliation of the state. But it is also a humiliation for the judges and prosecutors who acted legally against those allegedly affected by the amnesty law specifically designed for them. Humiliation also for the police and civil guard, who acted in accordance with court orders. Humiliation for the King Philip VI, whose speech of October 3, 2017, calling on the authorities of the state to act against the authorities of the Generalitat in order to restore constitutional order, has become not only a dead letter, but almost an anti-democratic statement.

In short, a humiliation for all Spaniards, right and left, who value 1978 Constitution and who agrees that national sovereignty belongs and can belong only to Congress and the Senate.