The princess has passed Eleanor above the clouds and the Constitution, like a dove above a twig, and again all that remains for us is Sanchez, who, when he takes off his institutional card, like a diver taking off his diving suit, reveals only a castaway or a pirate president surviving at the expense of anything, even country or democracy. After all, you see, those speeches that are delivered before small forks or large pulpits, as in the Schubertiad or the Gregorian rule of law, are good for nothing except to feed the pastry chefs and chroniclers one day. And the fact is that the great ceremony that we witnessed was not in fact the swearing-in of an heiress with a choreography that was both civil and Napoleonic, but the ceremony of the PSOE’s visit to Puigdemont under the giant photo, 1-O also looks like Napoleon. I mean, even the princess’s oath is a tapestry that repeats without further news or trance, like her birthday, while Sanchez’s oath to Puigdemont means that the Constitution is now just a wisp or stubble. And you will tell me what is more important: the birthday of the princess or the funeral of the state in ashes.