“Georgia, sow inspiration.” These are the three words with which I began and ended my speech during the rally that we celebrated in Marbella during the last Andalusian election campaign with Santi Abascal, President of Vox. Georgia and I met only a few months ago, briefly, but immediately after that she got up on stage, spoke, and the fairground where we hosted the Viva 21 event – it’s been almost a year – fell into complete silence.

How could a woman whom, having embraced, I almost completely covered with my hands, hide this hurricane? Fire. Like the flame that appears on the shield of the party he leads, the Brothers of Italy (Fratelli D’Italia). Georgia is pure fire, fueled by a deep love for its people. She advanced in her speech and in her deep voice led us gathered to the hope she gave in Italy: identity, family, religion, homeland. sovereignty of the people. And yet, when Georgia Meloni finally captivated an already exhausted audience, it was when she lowered her voice a little and said: “I’m Georgia. I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am a Christian. You won’t take it from me.”

This is not the first time he has said these words, which refer to a rally he held in Rome in October 2019. But this is the first time I hear them. And Georgia unwittingly became a source of inspiration for me. Up to the imitation of his speech, when I, as a politician, addressed the Spanish people. Georgia is another Italian to whom no one has given anything. Because the origin of the Italian leader is in Garbatella, a popular area of ​​Rome. But she is a born fighter, used to swimming against the current. With the great example of her mother, to whom she admits that she owes everything, because in the absence of her father she raised her two little daughters.

One question is what is happening to us, and the other is how we deal with it, it depends on us. That’s the difference.”

If I add that Georgia is a single mother of a little girl of 5 years old, I will complete the parallels of two lives that without explanation will make you know the scars of the soul. And feel very close. in his autobiography I am Georgia. Mie radici, my idea (Rizzoli), shares one of his principles: “One question is what happens to us, and the other is how we deal with it, it’s up to us. That’s the difference.” I describe it with the motto: “We are what we overcome.”

Georgia is a source of inspiration for me. But it is also an ideological reference. Which implies not absolute identity, but very noticeable points of unity. I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Spanish, I am Christian. And as a politician, I have fought and will continue to fight so that no one takes that away from me. Fighting against the dictatorship of unique thought. I love my people and want them to be sovereign. This does not mean leaving the European Union, but it does mean returning to its founding principles and respecting the sovereignty of the member states, with Spain in mind first. I am a Christian and publicly testify of my faith. For me there was no greater pride than to be elected deputy for Granada, where, on the day of the Capture, eight centuries of Muslim invasion of Spain came to an end and marked the triumph of Western values ​​throughout Europe.

I am an ardent defender of democracy. And about rights and freedoms, especially about equality. This leads me to fight against totalitarian ideologies that seek to generalize and victimize women or homosexuals, turning them into inferior beings, because only then do they have an excuse to engage in politics with them. No. I represent women who do not need any manifestation to know that they are equal to men. And that they move, and do not go obediently behind the column in the face of macho practice. I believe that our society will have no future without genuine protection of the family and fertility, which means strong and determined policies that fill delivery rooms and empty abortion clinics with women who have found no other way out. I believe in the efforts of the Spaniards, which contribute to the creation of wealth, and not doom them to life in a subsidized country.

So, as a right-wing politician, a Spaniard, very proud to be a woman, to you, Georgia, from woman to woman, I say: SEI ISPIRAZIONE

Georgia, which went from 4% of the vote in 2008 to 25% of the vote, is described as a fascist or far right: “They call us monsters and that’s why they say 25% of Italians are monsters.” Also here in Spain we are called fascists by almost 4,000,000 Spaniards who in the last general election voted for VOX, today a third political force, for the defense of similar values. It is not easy to find political leaders who can serve as a guide. Right and left. Political leaders, whether or not their postulates are shared. And this is not easy because of the shortage of women politicians who have reached real power quotas. I’m not talking about relevance or political echoes. I’m talking about political power in the party apparatus at the head of public institutions.

Georgia Meloni, who says she’s proud to be a woman but doesn’t consider herself a feminist who defends meritocracy and opposes women’s quotas, has reached an undeniable milestone in her success: she’s broken all the glass ceilings in Italy and become the first woman to arrive in Chigui Palace. The dignity of the first woman to head the Council of Ministers of Italy at the age of 45 is not that she is a woman. But if in 2022 Italy has a prime minister for the first time in history, the recognition of this historic milestone should be unanimous. Because Georgia made history yesterday in Italy. A milestone in the conquest of space by women. And yet, since the political woman is on the right, the left snatches away and hushed up her status as a woman. So, as a right-wing politician, a Spaniard, very proud to be a woman, to you, Georgia, from woman to woman, I say: SEI ISPIRAZIONE.