The head of government used the debate about the situation in the country to restore worsened relations with his partners. “Turn left,” they demanded of him Yolanda Diaz a Gabriel Rufian. Also, Sanchez received a message. After all, with these oxen, he must plow from here to the end of the legislature.

Hours before the debate began, Moncloa told reporters that the president would “announce new measures.” We wanted to focus on the novelty, which is striking, because on Thursday an anti-crisis package is approved in Congress, in which, logically, they should have been included. Clear evidence that this was a last-minute improvisation to allow the president to turn the debate to his advantage. In fact, some ministers learned about them during Sanchez’s intervention.

These are the most important:

1st 100% discount on suburban and medium distance travel tickets depending on Renfe.

2nd green light for operations camp: 12,000 houses.

3rd Excess Profits Tax on Energy Companies, which will be in effect for two years and with which the Treasury will collect $2,000 million a year.

4th Tax on large financial institutions for extraordinary profits from the increase in interest rates, which is expected to collect 1500 million a year.

Raising taxes on banks and energy companies is only meant to realign the majority of the left and take part in Yolanda Diaz’s speech.

The first one, the most effective one, is lacking in specifics and will cause management problems, since most residents of large cities use a transport voucher that combines commuter trains with metro and bus, which this 100% bonus does not apply to. Neither the cost to the state, nor the number of citizens it will benefit, is known. At the end of Tuesday, the Ministry of Transport was still preparing an argument.

The operation camp is more like a joke. The government itself has paralyzed this urban development, which, moreover, affects only Madrid.

The core of the package, the core of the prime minister’s intervention, are two new special taxes, one for banks and one for oil and electricity companies. That is, the punishment of the “hidden forces” who, according to Sanchez’s story, support the right and want to overthrow the government.

The applause of the left bench thundered when these two measures were sounded. Finally! It was the turn to the left that his partners demanded of him.” Sanchez threw eggs at him,” a PSOE MP told me.

The President skillfully used this punishment for the great goats to try to put the PP between a rock and a hard place. “What are you going to do with the package of measures? Will they confirm it? Are you going to support a tax on electricity companies and banks?” Sanchez asked urgently. Kuka Gamarra.

The PP spokesman, who was not bad in his response, lacked the reflexes to ask: “If these measures are so effective in distributing the victims, why did they not include them in the package approved by the Council of Ministers in just over two weeks. and what will be confirmed on Thursday? Did the government until yesterday defend these “dark interests”?

It is clear that the increase in taxes on banks and energy companies has only one goal: to reconfigure the majority of the left in Congress and, by the way, to take away part of Yolanda Diaz’s speech.

Citizens are unlikely to see these tax increases in their pocket. Instead, both energy companies and banks will pass these fiscal costs onto customers through receipts, prices, and commissions.

But the most important thing is that the president did not offer any idea to curb inflation, which, in this he is right, is mainly associated with rising energy prices. Any. Only, unlike other cases, he limited himself to admitting that prices would remain high for the duration of the war in Ukraine and that the economy would grow less than expected in the coming months.