I met the marriage of psychologists Hesse as liberals – in the European sense of the word – and again I saw them as ambassadors Venezuela in Canada, during the second CAP government. I remember that Vladimir never ceased to be useful to the Cubans who fought for freedom. When it was once believed that Hesse could become President of Venezuela, we had our fingers crossed. Chavezruined everything more than 20 years ago and returned the country to the 19th century.

I am fascinated by brave authors. I understand that courage is not considered one of the best traits of a writer (readers tend to be conservative), but I can’t help it: I love it when authors take on unexpected genres. That’s why maybe I thought it was great sapiens Yuval Noah Harari (to me and millions of other readers) is a young Israeli professor who has struggled with the responsibility of writing a comprehensive history of mankind ever since he accidentally acquired the ability to communicate verbally with fellow Kindred.

This is an explanation for those restless beings who do not feel comfortable with a rudimentary knowledge of the three Abrahamic religions.

The marriage of psychologists Vladimir D Maria Mercedes Hessein the tradition of bold books, just published: Who is the universe? And then he gives the first explanation on the cover: A way to meet God in the 21st century. So to speak, halfway, the work adds a clarification: this is not an atheistic manifesto and not the beginning of the church. This is only an explanation for those restless beings who do not feel comfortable with a rudimentary knowledge of the three Abrahamic religions or any other that imposes its dogmas with tooth and claw.

Reading Who is the Universe? A way to meet God in the 21st centurybrought me back to another reading, to reading Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit paleontologist who tried to combine Christianity with science and had a short haircut. A good priest who was a wise man tried to get closer to God in the 20th century. (After all, speculation about quantum physics is almost a hundred years old.) He was banned from publishing. And not the state, but the Catholic Church itself “in defense of youth.” As a restless teenager, I was deeply offended by such disgusting treatment of the Jesuit.

Tomorrow we may dawn in a society in which “free thinkers” cannot teach or “influence the youth.”

The Hessians are in some danger in a society like America. In a country where the Supreme Court dictates its decisions based on interests or religious beliefs, the growing influence of Christian fundamentalism is a serious danger, as we just saw in the Roe v. Wade controversy. Tomorrow we may dawn in a society in which “free thinkers” cannot teach or “influence the youth.” how did it happen to Socratesdemocratically (he was condemned by a narrow majority), in the 5th century BC. Greece

When science goes through “quantum physics”, postulating that there are parallel realities and that it is possible to violate the principle that, since the Greeks, that one can only be in one place at one and the same time, it is a shame that the teaching of religions is so flatly defends his point of view.

Less obvious, and therefore more controversial, is when the book claims that: “Every atom in every human body was already in existence when the Earth was born over 4.5 billion years ago. And they will continue to exist, like our consciousness, located in a magnetic and energy field, when they leave the human body and join and enter the Universe as part of his Universal Body and his Universal Consciousness, where he belongs.

The universe retains its mysterious presence, and it is very convenient that each generation tries to unravel the mystery.

I don’t think there is a universal consciousness. Rather, he thought, the Peruvian anarchist thinker Manuel Gonzalez Prada -quoting from memory-, “nature would rather fill a mass grave with the corpse of mankind to watch the parade of ants than to demonstrate her predilection for the human race.”

Also, you don’t have to tear your clothes. The universe retains its mysterious presence, and it’s convenient that each generation tries to unravel the mystery and answer the big questions: Why and why do we exist? The marriage of Vladimir and Maria Mercedes Gessen threw their number into the ring and into the game of spades. For that alone, they deserve respect. Excellent work.

@CarlosAMontaner is the author Without going into details (M.emotions). The work was published by Debate, Penguin-Random House. It is available through Amazon Books.