Madrid doctors, on strike since November 21 last year, launched a lockdown at the General Directorate of Human Resources SERMAS “in the face of the immobility of the Community of Madrid, in order to propose real and effective measures to end the strike of family doctors and pediatricians. primary health care in Madrid,” they said at the Amyts union.

In addition to this conclusion, the doctors will perform the delivery at various medical centers. The lack of agreement between the Ministry of Health and doctors supports the strike, which began on November 21.

The Primary Health Care Strike Committee set as a condition for restoring confidence and canceling the strikes of almost 5,000 professionals that began on November 21, which the Ministry of Health put 42 million euros on the negotiating table.

During a press conference at the headquarters of the Amyts union that called the strike, Ángela Hernández, general secretary of the medical union, indicated that the amount would serve to cancel the strike, but not to resolve the situation in primary health care. reaffirming the need for at least 25% of total health investment.

The two sides are meeting this Thursday at the ministry to try to reach an agreement allowing the strike to be called off after 12 days of silence.

“If they can’t find those 42 million, we can’t believe them, in which case we’ll be indebted to what the professionals say, who tell us we have to keep going,” he stressed. In this sense, it was clarified that 12 million will go to pay for the day shift, and the rest for economic allowances.

“What we ask for in this situation that has been brewing for two decades is to go on strike, not to solve primary care, but to have confidence and know that this time we are not going to be deceived, as they were in 2020. or in 2006, if you calculate the high, very high, 42 million euros set in chapter 1 for the two categories of staff that are currently in short supply,” he explained in statements collected by Europa Press.