The Public Health Commission has approved monkeypox vaccination that prioritizes post-exposure administration for people at high risk of severity or exposure. It also gave the green light to a second booster dose for those over 80 who are vulnerable to COVID-19.

A statement from the Ministry of Health explains that due to the limited availability of doses of monkey vaccine (Spain has already received 200 doses), pre-exposure vaccination is currently not recommended, although it may be offered later depending on the situation. outbreak evolution and serum availability.

Spain is currently 233 confirmed cases Monkeypox received 200 purchased vaccines, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, in addition to the centralized procurement agreement it held with other countries through Hera, the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority. .

At a meeting this Thursday, health and community professionals agreed to administer a second covid-19 booster dose to the most vulnerable populations, especially those living in residential areas and those aged 80 and over.

This vaccine “should be administered at the most appropriate time in accordance with the epidemiological situation,” the health statement states, which recommends continuing to regularly assess the evolution of covid-19 in the aforementioned population.