A few days ago, International Computer Science Day was celebrated on December 9, in honor of the birth of Grace Murray Hopper, a pioneer in the field of computer science. Computer technology has had a significant impact on the development of data and information transmission, enabling communication between people around the world.

Computing related research is in high demand not only at the academic level but also in the workplace due to new technologies that are constantly evolving. According to the vocational student statistics for the 2021-2022 academic year, recently released by the Ministry of Education and Professional Training (MEFP), IT is ranked third in popularity among professional families after healthcare and management and management. Specifically, these vocational training studies account for 16.9% of the vocational training basic level (CFGB) students, 10.5% of the vocational training level (CFGM) cycles, and 14.0% of the tertiary level students (CFGS).

For its part, the leading center FP Cesur supports this success and highlights some of the courses that are in great demand in its centers located in Andalusia, Extremadura, Madrid, Las Palmas, Murcia, Zaragoza and Mallorca, such as “Web Application Development” ( DAW). ,Multi-platform Application Development (DAM) and ,Administration of Networked Computer Systems (ASIR). The functions that students develop in these courses and which they will perform in the work environment are several:

A web application developer (DAW) is an expert in creating and optimizing computer applications specifically designed for web environments. This professional, whether an employee of public or private companies or an independent worker, specializes in web programming, turning to languages ​​such as PHP, JavaScript and others.

Cross-platform application development (MAD) covers a wider range of platforms, including applications for mobile devices and desktops. Although they have a common foundation, DAM focuses more intensively on mobile application development from the second year of study, using specialized tools and continuing to use JAVA.

An Administrator of Networked Computer Systems (ASIR) specializes in providing computer services related to the Internet, electronic messaging, technical support, databases, and teleservices. His focus is on solving technical problems and failures in computer systems, offering valuable technical support in this dynamic digital environment.

Upon completion of their studies, students have the opportunity to specialize in in-demand disciplines such as cybersecurity and cloud computing, which allow them to stand out and make a difference in this changing work environment. For its part, cybersecurity is becoming important in a hyper-connected society given the rise in security breaches. On the other hand, cloud computing is presented as a transformative technology, providing a variety of job opportunities ranging from cloud administrators to specialized software engineers.