Elma SaizThe new Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration announced that in 2024, minimum pensions will be revalued by 5–7%, and in the case of pensions for widows with family responsibilities, the increase will be up to 14%.

In an interview conducted by Maria Vicente and Nuria Cano in EFE, Sais indicated that the growth of pensions in general will be 3.8% in 2024, it will be improved in the case of minimum and non-contributory pensions, as well as in the Minimum Lifetime income (IMV), which will be revalued by 6.9%.

Thus, also in this case of widowhood with family responsibilities, one of the lowest in the system, it will increase from 12,682 euros per year in 14 installments, 906 euros per month, valid for 2023, to 14,457 euros per year, about 1033 euros per month. month.

The minister recalled that all these revaluations guarantee the purchasing power of pensioners “of today and the future”, giving them confidence and security.

Saiz, who will soon appear before the parliamentary commission of the Toledo Pact, praises the work of social agents in the pension reform carried out by his predecessor, as well as the political groups that “knew how to match it.”

“This reform was carried out with the aim of ensuring the sustainability of the system through instruments that provide not only the expenditure side, but also the revenue side,” says Saiz, who advocates for a strict “lot of teaching work” during his mandate. data.

This strict and technical position contrasts, Saiz believes, with a contribution that does not go beyond “criticism, often filled with demagoguery or simply partisan interests (…) because in the face of these ghosts and these doomed voices, what the government represents, they are reality, they are data.”

Help for the self-employed

Regarding the reform of the system so that the self-employed contribute their real income, the head of Inclusion emphasized the fact that this path has already begun and emphasized the importance of continuing to advance hand in hand with the group’s organizations. this exceeds 3 million.

The government closed the last legislative body with social agents and self-employed associations, a reform to move to an income-based contribution system.

The agreement establishes that a fifteen-section system of contribution bases and quotas based on the net income of the self-employed will be gradually rolled out over three years as it moves towards a final contribution model based on real income. at the latest in nine years.

Saiz noted that she is well aware of this reality: “I, too, have been self-employed – and have advocated for policies that not only support getting started, but also help sustain a business in the face of setbacks.

“That the system also responds to various situations to support self-employment,” he emphasized.

Packages in one box

Regarding the commitment to transfer the economic social security regime to the Basque Country in 2 years, Saiz insists on the unity of a single social security fund and the principle of solidarity between autonomous communities.

“There is no risk or agreement that would jeopardize a single social security fund,” says the head of Inclusion, who advocates greater dialogue with different administrations so that there is a “system structure” that will ultimately improve services for citizens. .

He also emphasizes the importance of dialogue and coordination between territorial administrations to continue progress towards the minimum living income (IMV), where he also wants to bring all participants together as soon as possible.

“The time is coming to evaluate (…) improve and continue development so that it reaches more people,” admits the head of “Inclusion,” recalling that this income already reaches 2 million people.