First time in the update

One of the changes that the pandemic has left on the labor market is the possibility of remote work. During the months that the lockdown continued, many companies chose this option to continue operating. So much so that in the second quarter of 2020, 16.2% of employed people worked more than half the day from home. The number has dropped to 6.7%, in the third quarter of this year, according to the Active Population Survey (EPA). And it’s not just companies that have abandoned this practice. According to a survey of equipment and use of information and communication technologies, 18.9% of employed people did not work remotely in 2023although his job allowed it.

In the Autonomous Community, 24.7% of the employed are in this situation in the Basque Country, where the highest percentage is observed. In Cantabria this occurred in 15.6% of cases.

There are differences across regions in terms of people who choose not to work remotely despite having the option, although the percentage of employees who haven’t worked remotely because their company doesn’t allow it is higher, at 67.3%, than the national average. In Castilla-La Mancha the percentage is over 75%..

This year’s survey, recently published by INE, does not examine the reasons that led these people to choose to work in person despite the possibility of remote work. However, data for 2021 shows some criticism from employees regarding remote work.

So the biggest disadvantage is lack of contact with colleagues. This represents a disadvantage for the 82.2% of workers who worked remotely two years ago. Secondly, for 60.8% the biggest disadvantage is non-disconnection from work. For nearly 30% of workers who do their jobs from home, there is a greater lack of coordination when working remotely than if they were in the office.

When it comes to benefits, there is a clear winner and that is avoid travel, which supports 95.4% of employed people who worked remotely. This is followed by proper management of work time (87.3%) and reconciliation of personal and family life (87.2%). Usage and time savings are a benefit for 86.6%.

As you can see from the percentages, people who work remotely are more clear about the advantages than the disadvantages of working from home. Except, The average rating for remote work among those who use this method is also high – 8.6. out of 10, according to INE. Only 3% of employees working remotely have stopped this practice.

Only 3% of employed people working remotely have ended the practice.

When it comes to days they work remotely, there is little difference across socioeconomic levels. According to INE, those people who do their work from home work remotely 3 to 4 days a week, regardless of salary.

Regulations on remote work

With the promotion of remote work, regulations governing telecommuting and telecommuting came into force in July 2021. It should be noted that the difference is that telework is one that is carried out “through the exclusive or predominant use of computer, telematics and telecommunications facilities and systems,” while telework “is carried out at the employee’s home or location.” by one’s free choice, throughout the whole day or part of it, but not from time to time.

This standard agrees that remote work is voluntary and for this reason, employees and employers must sign an agreement in which aspects such as the funds needed to carry out the activity, the duration of remote work, or the location from which the workday will be conducted outside the office must be agreed upon.

This document should also Set a schedule, percentage and distribution of the day between remote and in-person work. According to the text, methods of business control and the duration of the agreement must also be indicated.

As stated from Walters Kluwer, In the case of remote work, the company must provide the funds necessary for the employee to provide his services and compensate for the direct and indirect costs caused by this. It is clarified that indirect costs include “a proportionate share of the costs of use and consumption incurred by the employee or any other costs that may be incurred as a result of the work,” and collective bargaining or a collective agreement is intended to establish compensation mechanisms that guarantee full reimbursement of costs.