The Spanish government will study the possibility of ending tax created to temporarily tax extraordinary profits achieved by energy companies due to rising energy prices following pressure from Brussels and Repsol.

“It is important to determine whether the extraordinary benefits that were tried to be identified in this figure continue to exist. Regular taxation can be adjusted, modulated, but we are no longer talking about extraordinary benefits, we are talking about something else,” he said EFE Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera.

In addition to identifying exceptional benefits, we must recognize that “ large-scale reinvestment to transform the energy system“And the sooner this transition is achieved, the more stable, predictable, clean and affordable energy prices will be,” he said.

“If there are extraordinary benefits, let’s see how we can contribute” to prevent “some from earning a lot” and everyone from paying more. “And how can you, as an energy company, ensure that you maintain or increase that reinvestment?”

“We analyze what actual linkswhat are the needs and what is the best technical way to solve this problem,” he noted, always striving to make change a flexible process, but at the same time “fair” in terms of “sharing benefits and costs.”

Every euro invested in the energy transition, in efficiency, in renewables or in decarbonising the system is a cost that will not be incurred tomorrow,” and this is a reduction in imports to Trade Balanceit is an immediate benefit” and therefore “the sooner the better.”

The fiscal system, he insisted, must be essentially fair and “if there is a significant increase in income, benefits requiring a response.”

Regarding the possibility expand approved measures to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis For families whose coverage expires at the end of the year, Ribera considered it “capital” to guarantee coverage for the most vulnerable consumers due to income.

As for the rest of the citizens who were helped (the middle class), it will be necessary to see “whether all the measures make sense or whether there are aspects that can be modulated.” “This is an exercise that we are conducting at a technical level between different ministries,” he added.