I’m going to give you some information This is the Economics podcast Independent, produced by Adio.fm and presented by Olga Rodriguez. In this episode we interview Francisco Iñaretarepresentative Idealistic. We talked about rental prices, which are growing by an average of 9.4%, and about the measures included in the Housing Law.

We asked Francisco Iñareta about areas where rental properties have become more expensive, and the outlook for the coming months. We comment on how the pandemic and tourist rentals have affected prices.

Finally, we are looking for solutions to the most pressing problem: the lack of affordable housing. How can the supply of housing be increased to keep prices moderate?

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About “I’m going to give you some information”

Each week we offer an economic fact and an interview with an expert who puts that figure into context. A program in which we are going to explain economics through data. To do this, we will be accompanied by experts in fields such as the labor market, energy or finance, who will answer whether it is too late or early to have a pension plan and how a company works with a four-day work week.