This Monday in Madrid the presentation of La Fageda took place entitled “La Fageda: 40 years of promoting social inclusion”, which brought together almost 80 people in the hall of the cultural zone El Corte Inglés Callaoin celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which is celebrated on December 3.

The event had purpose of presentation of a social project which supports the production activities of yoghurt and dairy desserts that La Fageda has been selling in Madrid since the beginning of this year through El Corte Inglés and Ahorramas. In the context World Day of People with DisabilitiesLa Fageda explained the keys to her model of social inclusion, which she has been implementing for over 40 years.

Deputy General Director of La Fageda, Silvia Domenech, explained to the public the keys to a business model that emerged 40 years ago and has become a global benchmark for the social economy project. Domenech spoke about the work of the project improve quality of life and promote integration vulnerable people in the Garrotxa region (Girona) through “real and decent” work.

The director of La Fageda emphasized the impact it has a project like the La Fageda project, thanks to the sum of your people’s worth. “What makes La Fageda unusual is that We view people as the central axis of our social project., accompanying them in all aspects of their lives. So we do meaningful work through I make great yogurtbut also offering services that provide comprehensive support to people,” he said.

For his part, the director of marketing and commercial activities of La Fageda, Francesc Gali, explained the key to the arrival of La Fageda in Madrid and stated that “in 2023 we have fulfilled 30 years of yoghurt production and we are exploring new territories for the longevity of our project. For this reason, La Fageda’s extraordinary yogurts arrived in Madrid in 2023 to allow La Fageda to continue to grow and serve more people who need them.”

The event also had presence of the main actors of the Madrid Third Sectorsuch as Full Inclusion, the Confederation of Social Economics of Business, the Social Group ONCE, the Department of Disability Support of the City Council of Madrid and the Commission for an Integrated Disability Policy of the Madrid Assembly.


In 1982, La Fageda was born, a social project created in collaboration with desire to improve quality of life and promote the integration of people in vulnerable situations in the Garrotxa region (Gerona), through “real and decent” work. An innovative initiative that today continues to develop thanks to its social and business projects and has become a source of inspiration for many entrepreneurs,” the organization emphasized.

“One of the fundamental elements that keeps the project active,” he continued, “is the production of yoghurts. Thanks to these products, La Fageda has been able to create a sustainable project in which the most vulnerable people can gain work experience and earn a place for themselves in society: in short, strive for life project. At the moment, About 500 people are connected to this social project. Since February, La Fageda has been present in Madrid on the shelves of El Corte Inglés and Ahorramas with four names: Natural – the best-selling yoghurt in Catalonia from the producer brand – Lemon, Strawberry and Lactose Free. In order to support its social project, La Fageda is strengthening the main economic activity that supports the social project: yogurt production.”