Manuel Azuaga announced this Friday his resignation as director of Unicaja and president of the organization. Azuaga will leave his posts in the coming months Unicaja, where he took over the reins in 2016, initially as executive president, succeeding Braulio Medel.and since September this year as non-executive president.

The resignation will take effect after receiving the supervisory opinion of the European Central Bank and agreeing on the appointment of the President of his successor in the specified position.

Unicaja has undergone many structural changes. such as the IPO, the merger with Liberbank and the institutional crisis caused by disagreements that arose in the Unicaja Foundation, the main shareholder, during Medel’s mandate. Now that the ups and downs that rocked the organization’s foundations have been overcome and stability restored, Azuaga has decided to take a step back.

In fact, at the board of directors, the president still indicated that after the completion of the merger with Liberbank in all its aspects, the transition period provided for in it ended, as did the various processes in the management of the bank. Companies with agreements adopted at a recently held extraordinary general meeting, “This is the perfect time for him to take office and end his career.” has been developing in Unicaja Banco since its establishment in 2011, and in its predecessor organizations since 1986.”

Upon learning of this resignation, the Board of Directors agreed to activate the Succession Plan to select a candidate to replace him. This process will be carried out with the support of an independent consultant.