The Ibex 35 index started the week by confirming its three-year highs, targeting Argentina. The Spanish selective trades with an increase of 0.6% and amounts to 9816 points. levels not seen since February 2020, shortly before the start of the lockdown in Spain. On February 21, 2020, the Ibex index reached 9886.2 points and the Covid 19 crisis was already visible in the markets.

This Monday is marked by both national and international politics. In Argentina. Ultra-liberal Javier Miley won the elections this Sunday and will become president of the country on December 10. The leader of La Libertad Avanza led the pragmatic Peronist Sergio Massa (San Martin, 1972), Minister of Economy since August 2022, by 11 points (55.6% to 44.3%), according to 99.1% of polls.

“Today begins the end of Argentine decline. Today ends the idea that the state is a spoil to be divided among friends. We are once again embracing the ideas of freedom of our Founding Fathers: limited government that strictly enforces its obligations, respect for private property and free trade,” Miley commented.

This Monday is a holiday in Argentina. On the occasion of National Sovereignty Day, the stock market will be closed. Thus, it will be until Tuesday to see how this change in policy direction in their country will affect the Argentine markets.

Returning to national politics, this Monday the ministers who will form part of the new government will be announced. The new executive branch will have 22 ministries, 12 of which will be headed by women. Sumar will have four briefcases. Maria José Montero will take over as fourth vice president, Felix Bolaños will head the presidential administration and justice, Oscar Puente will head transport, and Isabel Rodriguez will head housing.

Another international news that will determine the future of markets: dismissal of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, which became known on Friday evening.

Now, looking at the Ibex 35, we should note an increase of almost 3% in Cellnex Telecom. All heavy sample values ​​are also at the top of the table. Banks are trading with gains of 1 to 2%. Inditex shares rose 1.2%, while Telefónica shares were close to 0.8%. On the other hand, Endesa is the red light of the session, falling around 2%.

The euro is trading at $1.0922 (+0.14%). Oil prices rose by less than 1%. Brent is priced at $81.19 and WTI at $76.6.