This Monday, Holaluz announced a regulatory dossier after presenting results that show that the losses are worth 20.9 million euros. Thus, the electric power company will lay off 27% of its workers. According to the company, this ERE is due to the “slowdown in solar market development” in the Spanish market.

“In line with the company’s ongoing adaptation to real and current market needs, Hello Luz announces the adaptation of a team of 200 people, which will primarily affect the installation, sales and support teams for solar energy operations,” he said in a statement.

The company, in turn, emphasized that the negative context of its results was due to difficulties with financing due to interest rates, and on the other hand, it reproached oil and gas companies for offering prices below market prices.

In addition, the company said that these prices offered by large energy companies mean that residential users have slowed down their investment in solar panels for their own consumption.

After a negative first semester, Holaluz managed to turn the results around, achieving positive normalized operating profit (EBITDA) of 5.9 million at the end of the third quarter, achieving normalized EBITDA break-even and confirming the low end of the year range. 2023.

The company’s president and CEO said: “I deeply regret that I had to make this decision. We firmly believe that our goal is more meaningful and necessary than ever and through this adaptation to the temporary market situation we will be able to maintain our position of strength so that when the situation is favorable we continue to lead the transition to a 100% green model energy. I have a very positive outlook on the future and am very optimistic. about how we are going to continue to transform the way we produce and consume energy in the Land of the Sun.

A solar energy company has taken the national market by storm with a clear, concise message: “The Rooftop Revolution.” Holaluz offered competitive prices and financing so they could use their own electricity. The green marketer is offering rooftop owners to save an average of 20% on their energy bills over 15 years, without the owner having to invest a single euro. In exchange, the owner gives up the roof so Holaluz can install the necessary solar panels.