He Capricorn 35 rose this Thursday 1.31% and restored 9400 points. There were no relevant economic data available during the day, but there was a political agreement that the PSOE and Junts made to install Pedro Sánchez.

Almost all stocks on the selective market ended in growth. The best results were shown by Banco Sabadell (+2.8%), Amadeus (+2.45%) and Acciona (+2.11%). With the exception of Bankinter, which ended negative but down 0.1%, and Unicaja, which rose 0.75%, all banks gained more than one percentage point.

ArcelorMittal was the biggest loser on the day, losing 1.64%. Telefónica, which presented its new strategic plan on Wednesday, ended the day up 0.08%.

Major European stock markets also registered growth. Germany’s Dax closed up +0.81%, the FTSE 100, the London-based benchmark index, closed up +0.76% and France’s CAC rose 1.11%.