Telefónica will try to increase its customer base in Spain. It may sound like a truism, but the operator will try to turn around a situation he has been in for a decade and seen quarter after quarter lose housing contracts in conditions of fierce competition in the national market.

telecommunications company Over the past decade, the company has lost more than two million customers due to intense competition among the operators themselves, who have lowered prices in order to obtain the largest number of contracts in their commercial portfolio. For this reason, the company indicated in its strategic plan that it intends to regain lost ground. “GPS Plan Acceleration “is based on five vectors focused on growth in the B2C and B2B segments,” he said in a statement. The next few years will be fundamental for Telefonica, as Vodafone has signaled with the arrival of Zegona that it is going for a strong commercial strategy to attract customers. The operator’s estimates include commercial revenue growth of up to 1.5%.

And how is Telefonica going to regain lost ground? Well, all indications are that the company will have to tighten its belt and launch attractive offers to lure customers, according to industry sources. While presenting the results, the operator drew a picture of what her bet could be. “We’ve had commercial periods like ‘Back to School,’” the operator explained.

However, Telefonika strives for customer loyalty so that they don’t unsubscribe. A prime example is users who subscribe to football TV offers and who end up unsubscribing after the season ends. This is where the company plans to strengthen its strategy and retain as many contracts as possible.

The company, led by Jose Maria Alvarez-Pallet, also wants to continue to grow in the market thanks to its recent focus on convergence. A few months ago, Telefónica reorganized its commercial obligations and launched MiMovistar, in which the customer decides which packages and which services he wants to contract, without the obligation to contract for various products that he does not need. In its explanation to analysts, the telco said the new offerings have reversed the trend and customer loyalty has improved in recent quarters.

As such, Telefonica admits that it will be launching new Black Friday and Christmas deals in the coming weeks. Some policies may be renewed in the coming quarters to increase the customer base, according to sector sources.


It is worth recalling that the operator is going to start offering access to its new television platform Movistar Plus+ to customers of the O2 brand, in which it concentrated telephony offers without television. The company has announced that O2 customers with fiber and mobile or mobile-only plans will be able to access Movistar Plus+ for the special price of €12 per month with no permanent term, down from the €14 it costs on OTT for users of other operators.

As part of the same campaign, Telefonica launched new promotions. O2 has added to its Solo Móvil the offer of a 75GB data plan for €15 per month, which adds to the two currently available 20 GB for 10 euros and 150 GB for 20 euros – “a newly improved plan with more data for the same price.”

Moreover, the synergies are positive for Telefónica, as evidenced by its latest results. Specifically, Accesses grew 1% year over year as of September, driven by outstanding results reflected in positive quarterly net income across all major Accesses; in fixed broadband (+28k), mobile contract (+69k) and even in television (+1k), the latter thanks to the good reception of Movistar Plus+. Fiber continues to grow in Q3 ’23 (+103K accessories; +74K retailers) and already represents 91% of the broadband base (30% acquisitions, 28.9 million UUII passed).

When it comes to ratios that measure customer loyalty and profitability, Telefónica has reason to think positively. In particular, the average amount per client is 90.6 eurosan increase of 0.5 percentage points over the same period the previous year, while the dropout rate decreased by only 0.3 percentage points.